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  1. L

    Barclay Shield 2017/18

    Helmets arent really necessary against most bowlers in dvca except a few in A grade.
  2. L

    Dvca - How Do We Make It Better?

    Given that a month ago Melbourne was facing torrential flooding, and they waited till about an hour before the game to call it off i dont expect anything less here.
  3. L

    Barclay Shield 2017/18

    sky diving and cricket lol worlds apart. ppl go to sky diving to die, cricket is meant to be a safe sport.
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    Barclay Shield 2017/18

    I dont think thats a good argument, its well known heat stroke can be very serious, and sure 99% wont be affected by it, but you have to think of those vulnerable, 50 year olds, 14 year olds, i think its upto the association to do the responsible thing.
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    Money Shield 2017/18

    Interesting, i played against your 2s last year and one of my clubsmen said the same thing..disinterested.
  6. L

    Mash Shield 2017/18

    ah cant have a civilised discussion without some expert input from the weekend warrior!
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    Mash Shield 2017/18

    have to agree with cs here, its common sense really tongs.
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    Gameplan While Batting

    I think b) applies to me best, if i was a manual car, i would say I bat in gear 1 for most of my early part of my innings, and then go into gear 4/5 straight away, i feel i need to transition a bit better.
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    Subbies Thread

    Why do covers have to be removed
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    Gameplan While Batting

    I would like some help formulating a game plan while batting, I have been batting well with a good technique, getting to 20s, but I feel I need a good game plan to convert my 20s into 50s and 100s How would I go about do it. e.g 0-10 overs, get your eye in 11-20 overs, turn singles 20+ play...
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    Why Is Nsw Good At Cricket

    it rains more there past 4 weeks there have been washed out
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    Barclay Shield 2017/18

    epping i reckon
  13. L

    Barclay Shield 2017/18

    we said that last year and the year before that...
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    Barclay Shield 2017/18

    going to be a 3 horse race again
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    Dvca - How Do We Make It Better?

    Other comps have way better batting scores but yes i think the pitch is the main reason
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    Dvca - How Do We Make It Better?

    whys there so many good bowlers and so many few batsmen in this comp?
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    Barclay Shield 2017/18

    I think the restructure has made ms stronger as the lower bs shields are in it and the crap teams r in mash shield
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    Junior Changes what are your thoughts on the changes? most notably reducing over boundaries and length of the pitch.
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    Barclay Shield 2017/18

    they made the granny in 2014/15, the bu incident happened the season after
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    Barclay Shield 2017/18
