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  1. L

    2016/2017 Barclay Shield

    myabe they should take some initiative and be proactive in making changes instead of sitting on their chairs and waiting for stuff to about lobbying for turf to be played in the region its a disgrace such a good comp has to play on synthetic.
  2. L

    2016/2017 Barclay Shield

    great idea full of common sense which means the dvca is definitely not going to adopt this
  3. L

    2016/2017 Barclay Shield

    Hey clive rose just wrry about ur cricket career and not some country comps tribunal.
  4. L

    2016/2017 Barclay Shield

    I dunno how u can sleep well at night
  5. L

    2016/2017 Barclay Shield

  6. L

    2016/2017 Barclay Shield

    read the article......disgraceful.
  7. L

    2016/2017 Barclay Shield

    Correct me if i an wrong but unless the opposition captain gives batsman the go ahead to touch the ball the ball is still in play and the captain was still within his rights
  8. L

    Subbies Thread

    I think this comp is a lot stronger than shires in sydney
  9. L

    Dvca - Competition Restructure

    One word - disgraceful by the umpires
  10. L

    Nmca 2016/17

    First time.....i agree with you
  11. L

    Dvca - Competition Restructure

    boo hoo only happens like 1 week a year
  12. L

    Nmca 2016/17

    for once i agree with you!
  13. L

    Dvca - Competition Restructure

    well thats crap then because out 3rds were in D grade last year and according to my seeding calculation we should also be playing higher (new E grade) same with you guys, but why we are playing F1 is beyond me....
  14. L

    2016/2017 Barclay Shield

    I see david alleyne has done a u turn on research, very honourable....
  15. L

    2016/2017 Mash Shield

    never referred to you but i am glad it resonated with you
  16. L

    Dvca - Competition Restructure

    You asked for your 3rds to be put in that grade, so why whinge. Unless I am mistaken, as your 3rds were in D grade last year and should be playing higher...
  17. L

    2016/2017 Mash Shield

    irrelevant definition: someone who compensates for a lack of importance in real life and makes up for it by being a keyboard warrior on the internet
  18. L

    Player Movements & Rumours 2016/17

    oh no we got a bad ass here!
  19. L

    Player Movements & Rumours 2016/17

    hows rossy's hammy looking, if he is fully fit then surely riverside have to be favourite
  20. L

    Nmca 2016/17

    Who? Would need a whole new team almost to become favourites