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  1. R


    Suggestion You should add graphics and designs forums, not more sports forums cause this is a vricket forum...
  2. R

    Add to the skin

    Add to the skin Add to the forum skin, like, the forums, at the corners add something, and change the "Add Reply" and "New Topic" buttons. If you want i can help.
  3. R

    VOTE for cWW

    VOTE for cWW I voted 10 times, but it only did it once.... how do you vote more than once?
  4. R

    Any Trickers here?

    Any Trickers here? are there any trickers here? i mean tumblers, acrobats etc... anybody does that stuff here?
  5. R

    anybody here does parkour?

    anybody here does parkour? does anybody here do parkour? does anybody here know what it is??
  6. R

    Super Mario Galaxy

    Super Mario Galaxy what game is it?
  7. R


    ps4 whats the point of making a ps4, almost nobody bought a ps3.. and by 2011 there will be better emulators then ps i think.
  8. R

    New iPod's!

    New iPod's! why do you need so many gigas? im pretty sure you dont have 60 giga of music.... or do you want to put movies on it too?
  9. R

    what equipment is needed to play cricket?

    what equipment is needed to play cricket? what equipment is needed to play cricket?? i know a bat and a helmet, but what els?
  10. R

    what is cricket?

    what is cricket? what is cricket?