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  1. K

    Rain, rain go away

    Rain, rain go away After a gorgeous Saturday, things were looking good for the first game of the season. Sunday morning was bright, clear and warm. Then, an hour before play started, it rained. And rained, and rained. We were all itching to go, especially as we haven't had a chance to even...
  2. K

    Nets vs Game Day!

    Re: Nets vs Game Day! I'm in a similar position - fed up with being indoors, have got the first outdoor net session on Thursday... That means I'm getting so excited that actually it's distracting me from work - not ideal when I'm sposed to be handing in 15000 words tomorrow and the day after...
  3. K

    Captaincy Fun and Games

    Captaincy Fun and Games I've recently been appointed as captain of a smallish cricket team. We have a short season, ending mid-June, based around friendly 40 over (or so) games, along with a 20/20 cup competition. Never having captained before, it's been rather more interesting to think about...
  4. K

    Oiling and Knocking in your bat!

    Re: Oiling and Knocking in your bat! Two quick questions. Firstly, what's the best length of time to leave a bat after oiling? I've read various beliefs, ranging from just overnight, to the extreme of one individual's advice of 'oil then leave for 4 days, sand, very lightly re-oil and leave for...
  5. K

    Aero Strippers P1

    Re: Aero Strippers P1 Just out of interest - something I've been wondering whilst looking at these and thinking /dreaming about aquiring a set - how to fit a box in? Do you have to wear a jockstrap as well, or is there a place on the strippers where it fits? Cheers
  6. K

    Being inventive

    Re: Being inventive Another old one is using a tennis racket to practice high catches - cricket balls really ping off the strings and go very high.
  7. K

    Sock Cricket

    Re: Sock Cricket Hi guys, Just a quick question arising from reading the posts up till now - which out of Play-in-the-V and Eye-In would people recommend? I'm thinking of acquiring one of these two items, but not sure which. Cheers.