20/20 doubts

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20/20 doubts

first punter now gilly

should this go on...

well punter is just a soft c*** who is scared and gilly is just saying stuff to make punter feel good so gilly doesnt have to put up with his sooking and wingeing
Re: 20/20 doubts

The thing is and it probably does not sound nice saying it but i'll say it, its not up to them its up to CA and the public, look it will make lots of money and money talks. The fact of the matter is that the players dont have a huge say just like the glut of ODI's you have now. Its called evolution. If the puiblic turned on 20/20 it would be dead in a week e.g low attedances, the thing is they love it so its here to stay. On the other hand look at test cricket attendances, outside of the ashes and australian tests attendances are terrible. It will be interesting to see attendances next summer when there's no Warne and Sri Lanka are out here. I love test cricket but these young kids are going to brought up on ODI's and 20/20 so what do you think they are going to want in 25 year's. Hey its a changing world. I hope test cricket never gets pushed as a second class citizen but i could see it happening. So people dont shout me down just look outside the square. Like i say i hope test cricket never loses its place as Number 1 but it could happen.
Re: 20/20 doubts

But thats my exact point. It may be here to stay, but the players will never take it seriously.

This generation of players will not take it seriously but the next will, just like the players before the days of ODi's would have never taken ODI's seriously but the next did. Now people talk like ODI's have been around for a century.
Re: 20/20 doubts

I agree with Gilchrist and Ponting, its no more then hit giggle cricket. Give the Elite players a break and have a little bit of fun. I know the ICC want to cash in on the money they can make from it, so a 20-20 world cup was quickly scheduled. I am a bit apprehensive at this stage, i feel that it is a little over-kill and could burn it out. I like watching it, but I wouldn't want to watch it for more then 2 games in a summer at the international level.
Re: 20/20 doubts

Completely agree with Guru here. Also, I don't think 3 different forms of cricket can be sustained simultaneously.
Re: 20/20 doubts

Yeah, well, you traditionalists can stick with your cricket, though you
may have to cut your own grass and buy your own kit 'cause
no sponsor's gonna be interested in a game with a few hundred church
ladies, mamas boys, and 40-year-old virgins in the stands...And you may
have a hard time concentrating on your stonewalling with the constant roar of
the sold out crowds a mile down the road watching the 20/20 match...And you may
be tad bit jealous as the 20/20 players drive their Mercedes to the steak
and lobster clubs while you have to hope your beat up old Yugos can get you
to McDonalds without breaking down.
Re: 20/20 doubts

Ok to every one with doubts lets say cricket administrators decided no 20/2, what i want to know is what is next no ODI, then what no artificial light when it gets dark in test cricket and then no manditory over rate. Where does it end, look its popular to the MAJORITY and thats the bottom line. Like iv said before when ODI first became popular everyone said it wouldnt last, now what 30 years latter where are those people, i'll tell you where they are, in the stands watching an ODI.
Re: 20/20 doubts

i feel that it is a little over-kill and could burn it out.

Overkill, youve got to be joking so we see about two games a year in australia and a world that will go for about two weeks and you call that overkill. Overkill to me is a champions trophy that we dont need or anyone wants or cares about, i bet if you asked some players if they wanted or needed that trophy their answer after they'd won it is they couldnt care less about it. Now are the administrators gona ax that tournament, the answer is no, because it makes money.
Re: 20/20 doubts

SouthSwans;127720 said:
But thats my exact point. It may be here to stay, but the players will never take it seriously.

maybe the old timers won't but they will be retired soon enough. the new young crop see this not only as another way to earn a living playing cricket, but also the popularity will result in endorsements.
Re: 20/20 doubts

Commonwealth Bank or whoever is the sponsor in this case should have in this case taken the initiative. They could've worked with ICC to reduce funding for ODI series and put it towards a triangular Twenty20 tournament instead. They've gone for the short term benefit, but they could've taken a little bit of risk and set a longer term precedent. Eventually, that's what is bound to happen. Some sponsor will divert their funds from meaningless ODIs to more meaningful Twenty20, and that could be the death knell for ODIs.
Re: 20/20 doubts

gillyrulz;127666 said:
first punter now gilly

should this go on...

well punter is just a soft c*** who is scared and gilly is just saying stuff to make punter feel good so gilly doesnt have to put up with his sooking and wingeing

I agree! Ponting is the biggest sook ever to hold a cricket bat. If YOU don't like playing 20/20 Ponting, then don't! Let a REAL CAPTAIN take over the Australian Team!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: 20/20 doubts

Haha! I have a feeling gillyrulz is a sockpuppet for pontingsux.
Re: 20/20 doubts

Chandu;128512 said:
Haha! I have a feeling gillyrulz is a sockpuppet for pontingsux.

I have a feeling sir, that you do not like people disagreeing with you. The person who uses the name pontingsux has been known to me from my birth. He says what he feels, he does not say anything because someone else says it. Have a look at his user name Mr Chandu and you will see what he thinks of ricky ponting. As far as i know, these two people do not even know each other. Before you go around slandering people get your facts straight:mad:
Re: 20/20 doubts

Alright, there's no need to make a big deal out of this.

The Painful Truth, Chandu is only expressing his thoughts on the matter, an ideology that is quite justified considering the actions of both posters.

Both posters have so far spent the majority of their time on here bagging Ricky Ponting and while that is fair enough, the area of suspicion comes from recent posts backing up each other and the joint trolling by both posters on Ricky Ponting.

I'm not going to tolerate groups of posters trolling any player just for the fun of doing so. If you are going to state why you feel a player shouldn't be in a team please state and discuss why you don't like them or any other reasons why you have you have started a topic on them (erroneous decision making, poor form, etc).

Starting a thread because the player is a "sook" or because you have a personal dislike for them is not an excuse to start a thread (which in effect is a troll).

Anyway, let's just put this issue to rest and get on with the talk about Twenty20 cricket.
Re: 20/20 doubts

For the record, I don't even personally like Ricky Ponting. I don't have to, as Australia is not a team I support. Maybe I would have been obliged to, if Australia was team.

It's just that I found the "ponting sux" thing to be a bit tired. Anyway, Ljp86 has already said everything there is to say about this.
Re: 20/20 doubts

Ljp86;128764 said:
Alright, there's no need to make a big deal out of this.

The Painful Truth, Chandu is only expressing his thoughts on the matter, an ideology that is quite justified considering the actions of both posters.

Both posters have so far spent the majority of their time on here bagging Ricky Ponting and while that is fair enough, the area of suspicion comes from recent posts backing up each other and the joint trolling by both posters on Ricky Ponting.

I'm not going to tolerate groups of posters trolling any player just for the fun of doing so. If you are going to state why you feel a player shouldn't be in a team please state and discuss why you don't like them or any other reasons why you have you have started a topic on them (erroneous decision making, poor form, etc).

Starting a thread because the player is a "sook" or because you have a personal dislike for them is not an excuse to start a thread (which in effect is a troll).

Anyway, let's just put this issue to rest and get on with the talk about Twenty20 cricket.[/QUOTE]

i hate ricky ponting

my reason being he is a tossa

oh ok.. tlk about 20/20 ricky ponting is a ******** captain and shouldnt captain 20/20 (anything for that matter)
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