BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

mas cambios

Active Member
BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Team Captains can you please make sure that all members of your team are aware of this thread and that they act upon it accordingly.


As you may know the BCFCL has been suffering from a few problems as of late and it is with those problems in mind that we have decided to take the following action.

In order to ensure that we have a full and active competition, the site admin has taken the decision to reduce the competition back to 4 (four) teams.

Though the expansion teams have been moderately successful, in the currant climate the additional workload combined with the change of sporting season means that any more than 4 teams is unworkable. I'm sure we all realise that most teams are running at best on half empty and when that begins to happen the competition as a whole suffers.

The plan is therefore to allocate all active members from the culled teams to one of the 4 remaining sides. We'll either have a captains draft to determine where people end up or otherwise the site admin will place players where they see fit.

With these changes going on, it only seems to once again restart the season, with fixtures based on the 4 sides. The competition will run as follows:

Test competition (home & away)
One Day competition (home and away)

Both of the above competitions will result in a one off grand final game for the teams placed 1 and 2.

There will also be some consideration to a twenty20 league but at the moment this may well be restricted to friendlies.

I understand that the changes and the stop/start nature of the competition is far from desirable and more than likely bordering on the the absurd. However, we have not taken this decision lightly and feel that it's in the best interest of the competition to take this action.

Feedback can be left below but please keep it constructive (I'm aware that many may feel frustrated but lets keep it to the point).


Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

As MC has said, this is pretty much a last resort option. The forced break has not helped the comp at all and has left the BCFCL weaker than what it was at the end of season one.

The stop/start nature of the past month has certainly stunted the growth that this competition had and we have lost a number of posters over the past couple of weeks. We can't afford to lose any more posters otherwise we will struggle to fill teams and that will put the comp in danger of being shut down.

Chittagong and Geelong will be disbanded and the remaining posting players will be divided into the other four sides either via a draft or allocation. Doing this will give us a chance to get four strong teams again and go back to what the comp was during season one. This will hopefully eliminate most of the non-posting players we have in the competition and ensure we have four sides that are active and increase the posting in the fantasy area.

It is inevitable that players aren't going to be happy with their team suddenly being shut down. Unfortunately it has come to a point where a decision like this had to be made. I urge all active Chittagong and Geelong players to remain in the competition and play with another club. It is an opportunity to help stregthen the BCFCL and make our little comp a great one again. @|
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Ljp86;345014 said:
I urge all active Chittagong and Geelong players to remain in the competition and play with another club. It is an opportunity to help stregthen the BCFCL and make our little comp a great one again. @|

I echo this sentiment, 100%. The teams that are disbanded are not gone for good but on 'ice' for the time being. The expansion came too quickly and whilst it may have prospered, there have been too many little knocks along the way and we'd rather have something over nothing.

The aim is still to increase the competition but only when it's able to stand on it's own two feet.
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

It's needed. Unfortunately for the Cheetahs and the Gators. But if their active I'm sure they'll find a spot in one of the other clubs.
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Unfortunate, I thnk most poster lost interest after that break.

Good luch fellow Chittagonian
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

As has been said before, we really urge the CC and GG players to remain in the competition. You can go to the Sign up forum or can negotiate privately with current team captains, I'm sure they'll love to have more people onboard!
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

I presume the first thing is find someone to run the comp?
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Why don't the hierarchy, of which there seems to be an endless list , take on the responsibility themselves, instead of just sitting back and being condescending?
It appears that the management of this site needs a good look at their management skills.
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Frodo27;345187 said:
Why don't the hierarchy, of which there seems to be an endless list , take on the responsibility themselves, instead of just sitting back and being condescending?
It appears that the management of this site needs a good look at their management skills.
I just had a look (no I really did :rolleyes:) and I found I have a family, studies, social life, school and I'm sure this is why Jolldo's suffering aswell. Apparently you can say there is no way out but there is and we're working on this. We dont' get paid for doing all this you know that?
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Kshitiz;345205 said:
I just had a look (no I really did :rolleyes:) and I found I have a family, studies, social life, school and I'm sure this is why Jolldo's suffering aswell. Apparently you can say there is no way out but there is and we're working on this. We dont' get paid for doing all this you know that?

I do all but school, run 3 businesses, have a son going through divorce, a father just put into aged care, refurbishing my new home, and i run a 10 team competition without pay.
So I don't need to be told all of that. We all have choices about how to manage our time.
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Jolldo and Kshitiz, and me for that matter, are going through tough parts in our life. We have to study as much as possible in hope of getting into a good university and setting up our entire lives. Please don't try to undermine us.
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Frodo27;345187 said:
Why don't the hierarchy, of which there seems to be an endless list , take on the responsibility themselves, instead of just sitting back and being condescending?
It appears that the management of this site needs a good look at their management skills.

I can only find 30-60mins per day to pontificate about running an imaginary cricket competition, maybe you have more free time than we do.
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Mousey;345265 said:
Jolldo and Kshitiz, and me for that matter, are going through tough parts in our life. We have to study as much as possible in hope of getting into a good university and setting up our entire lives. Please don't try to undermine us.

Not trying to do that at all. And year 12 study is very important.

My point was about the plethora of administrators and moderators on BCFCL that like to make rules, and push their weight around, yet butt out of the hard work.
What is needed is someone to run the competition with full control, and the ability to tell the hierarchy to get stuffed if they interfere.
Too many chiefs and not enough indians
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Frodo27;345274 said:
My point was about the plethora of administrators and moderators on BCFCL that like to make rules, and push their weight around, yet butt out of the hard work.

No-one's trying to make any rules. The comp had a break and since then the growth of the competition has been negative. We've lost posters, activity has dropped and there are many who started to lose interest.

Instead of pottering around and wasting time, a decision was made to chop Chittagong and Geelong, the two newest sides and the two who have struggled the most since the break. We didn't want to shut two teams down but we had no choice and in an essence it had to be done as our comp's posting players have been stretched between six teams instead of four.

The Geelong side are mostly seasonal players and the majority are only going to be here during summer since they all play cricket in the Geelong leagues. Chittagong's side were mostly recruits from other sites, some of which have only showed up a few times and then haven't bothered since.

So, the call was made. The remaining players can be drafted into the other four sides and we can strengthen those four teams and make this comp a strong one. In hindsight, the decision to expand was made a little too early.

Frodo said:
What is needed is someone to run the competition with full control, and the ability to tell the hierarchy to get stuffed if they interfere.
Too many chiefs and not enough indians

Kshitiz is doing the one-dayers and Mousey will be running the tests. Not one person is able to run the comp by themself, the topic has been discussed numerous times and each person only has enough time to run one part of the comp which is fine. Kshitiz and Mousey will be running the comp in tandem.
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Frodo27 said:
My point was about the plethora of administrators and moderators on BCFCL that like to make rules, and push their weight around, yet butt out of the hard work.

First of all, as Ljp said, no one's trying to make any rules. Next, to address the "plethora" point. Atm we're practically being run by a 2-admin team. D.K is away, AB has left. That leaves us with Mas and Ljp, with Mas having restricted net connection.

Next up, me. I don't want to open my life book here as you've done before, but just to say that I'm pretty stuffed up. When I was free I did devote time to BCFCL (If you remember I simmed the tests up from round 6) but times have changed and for the worse. I'm still giving all time I can manage and will continue to sim OD's for the near future.

Jolldo has been in a web of troubles and we don't know when will he be back either.

Mousey is in year 12 and we're glad he's stepped up to to help in a time we need people most. Atleast he isn't constantly bitching about how things are run, just because he runs things somewhere else. Its simple, you don't like it, you leave it. Thank you very much.

Don't get me wrong, we welcome constructive criticism, but when a person takes the route of sarcastic remarks, it gets anyone worked up.

I shall be taking up the working of the comp along with Mousey taking effect now till we decide on anything else.
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Kshitiz;345291 said:
Its simple, you don't like it, you leave it. Thank you very much.
Or you hang in there and try to make people see sense!!!

As I see it, the competition has a chance with LJP and MC around.

Without that glimmer of hope your suggestion would have been taken some time ago.
Re: BCFCL - Important Announcement; Must Read for ALL Players

Just to clarrify I'm actually in year 11, but I'm am doing a yr 12 subject and take my studies very seriously.