


i dont know how your feet are supposed to land after your jump can some show me a vid? PLZ and THANKS
Re: Footing

By "jump" do you mean delivery stride?? And do you mean where your feet should land for actually bowling the ball or for after you've let the ball go??
Re: Footing

for a spinner the front foot is across the back foot, for a front on pace bowler both feet point to the batsmen for a side on pace bowler the front foot heel is in line with the back foot heel. the back foot is 90 degrees for a side on pacer.
Re: Footing

Back foot pointing down the wicket. Front foot pointing down the wicket. Front foot very slightly outside the line of the back foot.
Re: Footing

can u post a pic or something cause im not understanding

Added 43 second(s) later...

and can u also tell me where my non bowling arm should be plz and thank yu
Re: Footing

Im not sure if manee agrees but this is what i think he is talking about with your feet


See how his front foot and back foot are both pointing straight down the pitch and his front foot is slightly outside the lline of his back foot.:)
Im not sure about where the non bowling arm should be.
Re: Footing

ok so when you land is your front foot over top of you back foot or are your feet shoulder with apart?
Re: Footing

I have to say, this thread is giving me a lot of concern.

How do you know you are a front on bowler ag23 if you do not know where your feet are supposed to land?

Quite a lot of people think they are either front on or side on or even midway when in fact they are something different.

Giving advice to somebody without seeing their action is very dangerous.

It would be a lot easier and safer if you could post a video and move on from there.
Re: Footing

LIz your getting tensed up for no reason i new that a fronton bowlers foot should land pointing straight down the pitch i just didnt noe if the feet were supposed to land shoulder width apart or they are supposed be one infront of each other i should of made my question a little clearer so you wouldnt have got this misconception :) my bad

I knew about mixed action because of this video i found it very helpful i watched a few weeks back i was not sure how my feet should be shoulder width apart or one over each other [ame=""]YouTube - (2/6) Science of Sport - Cricket[/ame]
Re: Footing

Tensed? What makes you think I'm tensed?

Confused? Yes definitely.

You have just posted a video with excellent footage :)D) for the foot position during front on bowling and you say you found it a few weeks back?

Your last post answered your first one extremely well!
Re: Footing

Awesome video!

EDIT: Was watching part 1, and spotted a new familiar face in the group of English players at the Australian academy - one G. Napier! Looks like it paid off for him, or at least it looks like it's starting to :D
Re: Footing

Liz i thought u were tense cause u cared so much about me and my back :) :p lol i did see the vid but i wasnt quite sure of the feet positioning still so just to make sure i made this thread you can never be too sure rite!