How much do you hate JAFRO2006!

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How much do you hate JAFRO2006!

i just want to see if people despise jafro as much as i do. He is opinionated, arrogant, and all he does is whinges about how bad the pitches are in Australia.

Apparently he is better at the game than everyone on bigcricket but from what i have heard hasn't hit one decent score yet.

And can someone please tell him to stop saying how powerful Wesley is going to be this year. I go to Wesley and i still conceed we are not going to have a great year, we lost to carey for godsakes!

A little hint for you JAFFA' you only talk the talk once you have walked the walk.
Re: How much do you hate JAFRO2006!

to him of said in a different thread that he played wat is equivlent of district ones in england is absolutely ridiculous..... as for the on field yap... i dont mind sledging i dish it out myself but the stuff he says on the field usually doesnt make sense.... and is just soooooo bad u cant believe it.... other schools wen playin wesley just absorb the stupid comments wen batting, hav a laugh, n then dish it out aussie style wen he comes out 2 bat (u wont have 2 think of too many lines because he wont last long)
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