How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender


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How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

Right we have heard a lot of people talk about how 20/20 will not last or should be limited in number of games played each year, how about some suggestions to fit it into the cricket calender - how about three game series in australia every year then a world cup every four years in place of champions trophy. Three match series could be played over australia day weekend.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

Australia Day? :confused:

Are you proposing that all Twenty20 games should be played in Australia, or are you using Australia as an example with references to "Australia Day"? Since your subject says "World cricket calendar", but you're talking about Australia Day, I'm thoroughly confused.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

Dannyboy;128113 said:
Right we have heard a lot of people talk about how 20/20 will not last or should be limited in number of games played each year, how about some suggestions to fit it into the cricket calender - how about three game series in australia every year then a world cup every four years in place of champions trophy. Three match series could be played over australia day weekend.

I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at. Are you talking about playing a 20/20 tournament in the middle of a ODI series? Because at that time of year Australia would be involved in a ODI series against whatever touring teams were involved and I don't see how it would be feasible to intergrate the two at the one time. If you're talking about other countries being involved, surely the idea would be to play the tournament in one of the participating countries.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

What im saying is that you would have australia play three 20/20 games in australia in one summer(see no overkill), i used australia day as an example but dates could change end of season, between the test and odi's. A world cup to be held in a nominated country every four years, very similar for every country, and dont forget that when odi's became popular in the early eighties the odi and test calender would be intertwined together. Now i said suggestions some might sound great others terrible, thats why there called suggestions.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

Actually, another very much related question should be:

Can you expect same players to be playing 3 different forms of cricket? Why not let all test playing nations field 3 completely different squads for 3 formats? That would reduce the burden on players.

About the Twenty20 scheduling, I don't have an easy solution. My only suggestion would be to reduce the number of ODIs being played. For example, I don't understand why they need to decide winner of current triangular series (Aus, Eng, NZ) over 3 final matches. Just finish it in 1 match. Also, there is no need to play so many ODIs in round-robin, just have everyone play each other once and that's enough.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

20/20 cricket's gonna be the deathknell of 50 over cricket. In ten years gonna be
no more 50 over cricket. Can get in twice as many matches with 20/20 cricket, one every other
day or two, not just on weekends. Would also give many more players
a chance to play, maybe even go to a bowling rotation like the pitching rotation they use in baseball. With 20/20 cricket
World Cup could expand to
32 teams. So many positives with 20/20 cricket; so many
negatives with 50 over cricket.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

Dannyboy;128113 said:
then a world cup every four years in place of champions trophy.
This seems like a possibilty. With so many other cricket events vying for people's attention, it seems possible that only one of either the Champions Trophy or the Twenty20 World Championships will survive.

Of course, in the end, it'll all boil down to money.
Chandu said:
Can you expect same players to be playing 3 different forms of cricket? Why not let all test playing nations field 3 completely different squads for 3 formats?
Is South Africa the only nation right now that really fields a significantly different team for Twenty20's?
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

So you mean in a tour, there should be say 3 Tests, 3 20/20s and 3 ODIs?

No one is suggesting that, i suggested maybe cut down the best of three ODI finals to one winner take all final, you would still have all the preliminary games just one finel, test cricket calender in australia wouldnt change and add three 20/20 games. But add any sugestions if you want, just looking at ways to fit a best of three 20/20 series in.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

this will be the last season of the Tri-Nations series as we know it anyway
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

I think Australia should play a 3 match odi series against one team and a 3 match odi series against another. That should be our ODI summer. And limit ODI series to 3 or 5 games between two nations.

6 games, 6 cities. All is fair in love and war.

Twenty20 Games...well, i enjoy them, but it could get old reasonably quickly, but who knows. Money and crowds will tell us that.

Get rid of the champions trophy, bring in this Twenty20 championship is what i would like.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

aussieman;128371 said:
this will be the last season of the Tri-Nations series as we know it anyway

right, i agree but have they made any kind of announcement? there are wayyy too many pointless games in the current set up. they could half it, and add a 20/20 series.

if the ICC wants to truely become a world sport, the best way to introduce new nations (div 2, 3, 4, 5 for example) 20/20 is the way to go.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

Sorry, meant to comment originally in this thread, but made it another Twenty20 thread by mistake. There are too many Twenty20 threads around here.


Commonwealth Bank or whoever is the sponsor in this case should have in this case taken the initiative. They could've worked with ICC to reduce funding for ODI series and put it towards a triangular Twenty20 tournament instead. They've gone for the short term benefit, but they could've taken a little bit of risk and set a longer term precedent. Eventually, that's what is bound to happen. Some sponsor will divert their funds from meaningless ODIs to more meaningful Twenty20, and that could be the death knell for ODIs.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

I think the ICC most logical path is to replace the Champions Trophy with a 20-20 World Cup. That way we are not overkilling ODI, still keeping cricket fans interest in that game but also bringing in the exciting 20-20 game.

I would only like to see a couple of 20-20 played on the international scene when the travelling nations come, maybe have a best of 3 played over a weekend. I do not want the interenational players taking it too serious, it will wreck their techniques and hence wreck the test scene. It should be just a little bit of fun.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

I think the ICC most logical path is to replace the Champions Trophy with a 20-20 World Cup. That way we are not overkilling ODI, still keeping cricket fans interest in that game but also bringing in the exciting 20-20 game.
Totally agree.

I would only like to see a couple of 20-20 played on the international scene when the travelling nations come, maybe have a best of 3 played over a weekend.
Thats why i suggested australia day weekend

I do not want the interenational players taking it too serious, it will wreck their techniques and hence wreck the test scene.
Have to disagree there, people said the same thing when ODI's started to get more and more popular, it should improve the players technique, 25 years ago a slower ball was hardly ever bowled now there are that many variations, if anything it should improve some players skills variations, techniques dont get lost by playing a different form of the game, now it could change a players tempo just like ODI's have changed scoring rates in test cricket.

It should be just a little bit of fun.
To start with thats exactly what it will be but when the next generation gets here it might be a different story.
Re: How to fit 20/20 into world cricket calender

Guru™;128551 said:
I think the ICC most logical path is to replace the Champions Trophy with a 20-20 World Cup.
Yep. That would be a great idea.