Resetting broken finger?


Active Member
Resetting broken finger?

as some of you may be aware, i "hurt" my finger mid season, Possible broke or fractured it, its not really healed as such, can not bend it fully still and certain movements hurt!

is it worth going to my GP and seeing if it can be set properly?
Re: Resetting broken finger?

Is there much that they can do though? All my fingers point in different directions due to breaks and that was even after going to my GP.

All they tend to do is strap up - the only time they did anything different was when I had a clean break completely through the bone which needed to be put in a splint for 4 weeks to make sure the bone knitted together.
Re: Resetting broken finger?

well this is what i was thinking, i just hope it heals!

at the moment it feels like its never going to heal!
Re: Resetting broken finger?

I had a finger that refused to heal for about 18 months. Constant ache and tender to touch but it seems ok now, just a bit bent.
Re: Resetting broken finger?

I should echo what Liz has said, which I forgot to earlier. Based on my experiences there is little they can do, except strap it up, but you may have something else going on, which needs a splint or something else to help it heal.

As always, if in doubt get it checked out.
Re: Resetting broken finger?

i think i will wait till after this weekend coming up as i have a 65 mile bike ride to go on!
Re: Resetting broken finger?


I've been unable to come online much at all recently due to work and stuff and it looks like it's going to be staying that way so I don't reckon there's much point in me being a mod any more (I know this is off topic but I figured I'd put it all in one post).

On the topic of fingers and ways of hurting them, I dislocated the joint of my thumb that joins it to the palm playing rugby last saturday and again today. It was also broken and dislocated (at the same time) skiing in 2006. My parents want me to stop playing rugby altogether or at least find some form of solid support to play with it in, in case I permanently damage it. Do you have any advice Liz?
Re: Resetting broken finger?

Sorry to hear that JB. Unfortunately, once the thumb has dislocated it becomes less stable and is more prone to further dislocation. The rugby guys just put their thumbs back in place when this happens. You could speak to your coach, if he is appropriately qualified, and ask him to strap it prior to a game. Although it is more prone, it does not mean that it will always happen though :)
Re: Resetting broken finger?

I thought I had logged into, but, i must be at Just kidding!!

I have dislocated and broken a few fingers in my time. The doctors generally just tend to strap them up and then tell you to take it easy.
Re: Resetting broken finger?

Liz Ward;270704 said:
Sorry to hear that JB. Unfortunately, once the thumb has dislocated it becomes less stable and is more prone to further dislocation. The rugby guys just put their thumbs back in place when this happens. You could speak to your coach, if he is appropriately qualified, and ask him to strap it prior to a game. Although it is more prone, it does not mean that it will always happen though :)

The problem is that the thumb was already strapped when it was dislocated on Weds, which isn't a good sign. It was strapped by my mum who is an ex-GP so not kinda physio type expert but still you would expect it to be pretty darn good.

I may have done something nasty to my pointing finger as well so I'm gonna take a break from rugby until after half term at least and then we'll see how it goes. Thanks for your help:)
Re: Resetting broken finger?

This will not apply to you JB as your mother strapped you up but quite often the wrong type of tape is used, providing too much give or [the other side of the spectrum] the right tape is used incorrectly, putting too much stress on the area taped, not allowing for movement. In this instance, dislocation happens to prevent a break.

Your index finger worries me more JB. Have a chat with your mother and consider going for a scan/x-ray.

You are right to give rugby a break for a while and it may be worth considering strengthening the hand muscles to give the ligaments some assistance.
Re: Resetting broken finger?

I'm not too sure about the type of tape but it was fairly rigid I think.

The index finger was pretty much the same as the thumb but it also got bent slightly backwards (at the joint that was dislocated earlier in the match) when someone rolled on it in a ruck. I think the person we're going to see might well x-ray it but I don't think its broken or at least, if it is, it's just a chip or something.

Thanks for the help, I'll keep you posted when we go see the person.
Re: Resetting broken finger?

Hi again Liz, sorry for the delay but I've been really busy with A level modules and things.

Basically the specialist guy said I'd been subluxating (or subluxing, not sure which) the joint rather than dislocating it. He gave me some tape and my coach is happy to strap my thumb up prior to games so for the moment I'm gonna stick with that. My index finger hasn't been troubling me at all so that's good news at least.

The conventional season is now over, finishing with a record of played 7, won 2 lost 5. This is a pretty reasonable return for a 2nd XV at my school so we're not unduly worried, especially given the quality of the opposition we play (Sedbergh, Merchiston, Barnard Castle etc) and the only game we were totally outclassed in was a 99-0 loss to Stonyhurst in our first ever fixture against them. The 1st XV had a very successful season, getting into the top 16 in the country in the U18 national knockout comp and only losing one game all season (to Barnard Castle in that knockout comp). Now we're all preparing for our summer tour to South Africa so fitness tends to be the order of the day - oh joy!!
Re: Resetting broken finger?

Hi JB, no worries. I know how important and time consuming A Levels are and they rightly take precedence. Not sure about the 'things', though I think I can guess :D

Subluxation is a partial dislocation but is still a significant structural displacement. Do keep taping it before matches because this joint will be weak.

Well done on your season; as you say not a bad return and good considering the oppo. Out of curiosity, were Stonyhurst playing cricket on that day? At least you prevented the Century :D The 1st XV did very well, did you play any of these games?

Good luck for South Africa and keep safe. Try to train for a harder ground and make sure you have the right boots. Hard to train for at the moment but the climate change will make a huge difference too.
Re: Resetting broken finger?

Ok I will do, is there a type of tape that you'd recommend because the doctor said stuff he gave me wasn't ideal??

Thanks :) umm, I didn't notice if they were playing cricket but it was November sometime so I doubt it (unless that was sarcasm in which case its completely lost on me :p). I played one game for the 1sts against a touring school from Pretoria that we're playing when we're over there but most of the season I played in the 2nds. I only played for them cos a couple of guys were injured, their level is quite a bit above mine if I'm honest.

Thanks! What do you mean by right boots, like ones with smaller studs?? By climate change do you mean the air pressure of altitude or like weather and stuff??
Re: Resetting broken finger?

blooming thread high jackers!

if its any consolation my finger still has not healed properly!