New Member
5byes Blog
Probably should have started this earlier in the season but i hope to make this an ongoing thing
It will incorparate my personal season, the team i coach, trainings and other little things i do cricket wise during the year
Hope to hear feedback from a few people to share stories.
Just to fill you in
Personally stats wise not the best season, seem to be getting myself out more then anything, recently hitting them well so lets hope that big score is just aorund the corner.
I coach an under 13's team and im really enjoying it, nothing better then seing a kid improve throughout the year, as of yet we havnet had a win but its close.
Ill try update this twice a week for everyone
Probably should have started this earlier in the season but i hope to make this an ongoing thing
It will incorparate my personal season, the team i coach, trainings and other little things i do cricket wise during the year
Hope to hear feedback from a few people to share stories.
Just to fill you in
Personally stats wise not the best season, seem to be getting myself out more then anything, recently hitting them well so lets hope that big score is just aorund the corner.
I coach an under 13's team and im really enjoying it, nothing better then seing a kid improve throughout the year, as of yet we havnet had a win but its close.
Ill try update this twice a week for everyone