Aero Strippers P1

Aero Strippers P1

I recently purchased a pair of aero strippers. They have had some rave reviews and looked great in the photos:

They also come in 4 different sizes measured according to the thigh bone.Excellent, as I am tall and thin I measure myself up at 53 cms and went for the mediums(52-56cms)
On initial fitting I thought they were a bit too short. Then I realised that manner that they fit is different from the photo and instead they should sit lower down such that the waist strap goes across your groin. I know this is right because then the top hip protector is located squarely over my hip and the bottom of the thigh pad extend exactly to the top of my leg pad.

This "waist strap across the groin" takes a bit of getting used to, but once you are, the the whole system feels fine and the level of protection offered is excellent.
I read the forums and noticed that 1 person was complaining that the velcro seemed to come away quite easily and this is probably due to the positioning combined with big stretching forward with the front leg.

Overall it works well, just not quite what I thought it would be and it will be interesting to see how my velcro shapes up with lots of use. I am not sure if they really represent excellent value and would be interested in other peoples review of the Gray Nicholls and Kookaburra setup's as they are half the price of the Aero Strippers.
Re: Aero Strippers P1

Cheers mate, i dont tend to wear a thigh protector really i just get hit and hope it doesnt hurt. Your desciption sounds good, welcome to the boards :D

What price range are they?
Re: Aero Strippers P1

The P1's which offer the most protection(up to 160km/h ball speed) are between £40 and £55 depending on deals and postage.
The P2's are between £35-50.
The forum that I mentioned was on their website:

Gray Nicholls and Kookaburra thigh pad sets are approx between £16-£28.
Re: Aero Strippers P1

They do indeed seem like a reasonable price, worth a luck in, especially as i need to purchase some :p
Re: Aero Strippers P1

Just out of interest - something I've been wondering whilst looking at these and thinking /dreaming about aquiring a set - how to fit a box in? Do you have to wear a jockstrap as well, or is there a place on the strippers where it fits?

Re: Aero Strippers P1

For the P1 set i think you have to wear a jockstrap or tight pants to get te box in. In the better models (p2 etc) i think they give you something for the box to fit on or in
Re: Aero Strippers P1

As far as I know you will need to wear a jockstrap etc for a box, regardless of the model you buy. Not sure how comfortable that will be, but I'm guessing that if it was a big issue Aero would have made them all in one by now.
Re: Aero Strippers P1

I've worn P2 strippers for over a year now, constantly in nets and matches and the velcro has lasted very well, the pads are still in excellent condition and I wear padman style shorts with box under them. They are very comfortable and have lasted superbly. They are probably the best bit of kit I have bought for years without selling on or disgarding to the club's junk box.

I wouldn't suggest anyone shares their strippers though. Once you get them, set up the velcro straps and leave it at that. If someone borrows them, they will no doubt have to change the fitting ie. more use on the velcro and this is the only thing that will effect the shelf life.

Also, when using the HIP protector (I've took mine out) you wear your trousers going over the strippers, which can feel quite strange.
Re: Aero Strippers P1

I'll be buying myself some, once i have some money anyway. In desperate need of a new bag first though, my Slaz bag is completely wrecked, will probably buy either a GN or a Woodworm one.
Re: Aero Strippers P1

Its been 1 season now and I have to add a couple of things. Like other people they are now my favourite bit of kit as they feel so natural I dont notice it anymore and they offer excellent protection, giving me much more confidence.

With regards boxes and jock straps; there is no specific pouch to fit a box. Neither do you need a jock strap. But you have to have a good pair of underwear holding your box in place otherwise the strap across the groin does push it down your leg. But I think any cricketer has got this worked out by now as it is a fairly standard problem.

Good points leggeb4 about setting them up and sharing. I would always wear them underneath trousers to hide the fact of how much protection youve got. And I would always keep the hip protector in, its one of the best parts. As I say in the first post just push the pad down lower than the picture till the strap goes across the groin.
Re: Aero Strippers P1

I have had my P2's for over a season now and have faced all sorts of bowling throughout.

as said before by others they are the best bit of kit to have! would never go out to bat without them! And I have found jockstrap is easier for me, but i'm used to wearing one for keeping wicket!

i paid £20 for mine brand new! Bargain!
Re: Aero Strippers P1

I asked one of the top guys at Aero why there's no box. Basically the "Strippers" are designed to move with your body, so if there was a box there it would move around so it wouldn't do it's job ever so well.

I personally got a thigh pad custom made for myself, but I know many who are pleased with their strippers.
Re: Aero Strippers P1

I feel its my duty to step in here as much of the information here is incorect!

Your not meant to wear the strap over your groin - I wear mine just on my hips and the hip pad sits on my hip (But ive taken it out anyway) :laugh:

Also the AERO STRIPPERS dont have anything to put a box in as the whole point of them is to be mobile and flexible - to fix a box in it needs to have a certain amount of rigidness. So a box doesnt appear on any model.

Your meant to wear a jock strap with them to hold the box

Also the TOP MODEL is P1 and P2 and P3 are lower models... the later being aimed at kids u12 and below i would say.

OH well i hope that helps you guys out!
PS. Theyre great! I love my P1's
Re: Aero Strippers P1

strange i find my strap sits lower than my hips and across teh top of my groin. My Jock strap sits higher! ive found them very comfortable here and it does offer some more protection!
Re: Aero Strippers P1

well its the only way the hip protector first properly, and as i have the Aero P1 Leg guards they fit into each other nicely!