best player at your school?

best player at your school?

hi guys, i'm from wesley and i'm quite the cricketing enthusiast. i've been watching Wesley all year and am also checking out a few matches around town. i was just wondering who is the best player from all the aps schools. I can tell you for a fact that the best at wesley would have to be Paul Vickery! he is tall, agile, flexible and what an arm! He is also the danger man with the bat and rarely is sent on his way to the pavillion. You may of seen him he looks a lot like Zac from the latest big brother. he also has his own catch phrase on the field which he tells the opposing side it goes along the lines of "your a dud!" keep an eye out for him.;)
Re: best player at your school?

hahaha, this is hilarious, kinda, but only for wesley people.
oneal... you dont even know how to spell your name right:D
i came up with that nickname too!
im guessin this is croney/keys bein a hoon... very funny