yea but once again...i was only able to get 2 wickets :cursing: i bowled pretty well but just couldn't get the wicket!!!!!

I think you need to relax a little as you are making it into a issue. Sometimes you need to take a step back and look at the positives. What were your figures?

You bowled well, you gave a good account of yourself etc. Don't focus on the negative in that you only took so many wickets. Trust me it will come but the more you fret over it the harder it can get.

Remember, cricket is played as much in the mind as on the field.

I've had spells when I've bowled 10 overs for 5 or 6 runs and only taken the one wicket, whilst the guy at the other end has taken 3 or 4 for 60. It's sods law but when it does go right you will profit big time.

Hello guys, thanks for ur help.. I did not concentrate/worry abt getting wickets.. and i didnt get wickets this weekend too.. but it really helped build my mental strength..

It was a good mental battle between the batsmen and me.. He was waiting for a bad ball from me and I was waiting for a bad slog from him.. and finally I felt I won the battle with offering nothing in the 4 overs I bowled.. That helped my figures too.. 4-3-1-0 :)

It helped my partner to get 4 wickets.. I think I would rather try to define my role like this.. As far as we win, it should be okay..

Thanks again guys.. and fastbowler, the same strategy might work u.. as it turned out for me..

AnbeSivam said:
It helped my partner to get 4 wickets.. I think I would rather try to define my role like this.. As far as we win, it should be okay..

I agree with this. I see some bowlers who bowl a great line and length from one end, and completely tie up the batsmen. They end up with great economy, but not many wickets - while from the other end, a bowler who sprays it around a bit gets the wickets. The majority of the time though, these wickets wouldn't have fallen if the batsmen hadn't felt under pressure from the low scoring, and tried to get after the lesser bowler.

It can be a very effective strategy if the captain uses it properly and everyone in the team understands their role.

Tight, miserly bowlers are an important part of a team - but it takes a special person to be able to put their ego aside and accept that another bowler got the wickets because of the hard work that you put in.

If it leads to more wins for the team you'll be appreciated a lot more in the long run.

You make a good point and that is that bowlers hunt best in pairs.

I know that some of my best seasons have been when I'm regularly opening up with the same guy at the other end and we compliment each other. I keep it tight nicking out 2 or 3 wickets but mainly creating the pressure, he is a bit wilder but gets 4 or so in a match.

It's nice to have the personal glory and all that but it is a team game as well.

A bit off topic but also related to this discussion I think. Have a look at the stats of the great Windies fast bowlers of the 70's and 80's and see how surprisingly little they have taken 5 fors individually, compared to some of the modern bowlers. Point is, like MC said, they hunted in packs, and are all considered greats. So take heart from that. As long as your team is doing well and winning while you're taking 2 wickets and creating pressure from one end, and the other bowler gets wickets, you're doing a good job. Even a great like Allan Donald has said that Shaun Pollock created so many wickets for him by creating that pressure from the one end.

ShaneS - you make a great point.

Also, the dynamics of the partnership may change in time, next season you may be the one getting wickets whilst the guy at the other end is creating pressure.

The dynamics of some partnerships change pretty regularly. For example Warne and McGrath, arguably the greatest bowling partnership of all time, switched roles often with one keeping it tight and the other one taking the wickets.

fastbowler said:
yea now that i think...and put all this into game really does make sense

We all want the glory but sometimes you have to content in knowing that you were a big part of someone elses, but it'll be your turn soon enough.