Commiting too early


New Member
Commiting too early

Hi guys i was just wondering if you have any tips helping to properly pick up the line and length of the ball and not commiting too early.

I constantly find myself playing too early, usually getting on the front foot, If its a short pitched ball i find myself stranded and in trouble.
Re: Commiting too early

To add to the above.

The more you practice the easier it will become to pick up the ball, especially where it is going to pitch. This is a key skill and will serve you well.

You need to be watching the ball from the bowlers hand and try to block out all other distractions (which can be easier said than done), as you pick it up the aim is to be relying on instinct - it is argued that the truly elite players know where the ball is going to land before the bowler bowls it.
Re: Commiting too early

You can try having throwdowns with different coloured balls - so that red would be full, green short and blue good length. This can help to switch your brain on so to speak.
Re: Commiting too early

as long as the person throwing down throws them the correct length !!! lol

but definitely will help!
Re: Commiting too early

Fair point and well made. It would probably help to cone or chalk out the rough areas to further enhance the drill. Practice one length at a time and then begin to vary them.