Darwin & District Cricket - 2012

so its obvious who jack picked up then sage are u in love now! crowie well done champo gotta keep that TV free membership at throb going is that the new TV clubrooms?
just hear Tahs have signed yet another import thanks to the efforts of Rob Elliot, if this bloke put as much work into setting up a junior base for this disgrace of a club and less on importing the world would be a better place.
Don't disagree, hearing their 11's and 13's at Tahs have good numbers and apparently working hard in the In2cricket area as well. Still gunna be years off seeing these kids get through the ranks though. TV no better as they don't have an Under 17 team and spending a fortune on recruits. Worrying times for Darwin Cricket fullstop I would have thought?
Every club has had issues in some way shape or form with the MyCricket entries this round, NT Cricket are currently sorting out the issue as not even they can enter everything as per last year. It's not just a PINT issue with that lads.
maybe we have so many people working in NT cricket as they are the only ones who put their hand up to actually put the work into NT cricket, am i right to assume that the positions that "we" hold are voluntary? more on this free pass, we pay NT cricket for the use of MCG2 every year also the extended costs of having sides in all grades from premier to u/11's (insurances etc) to NT cricket so to say we have a free pass who is being naive now? no we don't have a curator (working on that) but its of little consequence anyway as number 2 isn't his main priority which is fair enough but it still needs to be a playable wicket yes or no?
Fairly sure when i read the NT cricket website for the results that we aren't the only club who hadn't entered them on Mycricket. So shoot me if im the only person who thinks Tahs should be kicked out for their appalling record in relation to junior development and importing almost an entire premier grade team. same goes for TV NT cricket wont kick them out as they are foundation clubs and are given every chance to succeed.

totally agree bc.

i also totally agree that pint are a disgrace when it comes to entering results on mycricket. don't have to look after jack shit and you can't find one person to enter the results for your premier grade team is a disgrace and you should be docked points. never happen though, how many people have pint got working for nt cricket? no conflicts of interest ever when it comes to discussing pint free pass anyone?
4 blokes not happy playing at the club they were at but have played in Darwin (bar 1) forever and a day, not everyone has to stay at a club if they aren't happy do they? 2 blokes that yes came from south but both have lived and played up here for nearly 10 years a piece, 5 blokes that have played with the club since juniors and 1 bloke that has been playing for the club since moving here for work about 6 years ago.

why are you blaming PINT for NT cricket having covers? if another club plays there on the weekend and it looks like rain the covers go on then as well so is it that clubs fault for the covers as well? why doesn't your club have them? surely you would know the weather patterns in Darwin at this time of year- i am assuming you are a local even though you don't say where your from- yes there is every chance of rain go and get some covers, Bunnings sells big tarps or better yet come and see me at my work an i will sell them to you at a cheap club rate. :)

i cant comment on people playing for the NT as personal circumstances come into play you should know that, i believe that when selected and they are available then they play, but like i said im not 100% sure like yourself.
just pointing out that pint would be in the same position as most clubs if they didn't have imports.

youve got to be kidding me. how can you honestly deny pint get a free ride and then say how can you blame pint for nt cricket covers? how can you blame pint for getting new nets. how can you blame pint for putting up a big sign high behind the paid for by nt cricket new hard wicket nets saying pint cricket club? how can you blame pint for nt cricket stocking and running the canteen on a saturday, how can you blame pint for having brand new change rooms that they don't have to look after or maintain. how can you blame pint for having the best facilities in darwin which they don't have to pay for or maintain. how can anyone blame poor old pint for getting a free ride. maybe you should take your own advice and sell pint some covers.
well you certainly are the informed legend you profess to be, grasping at straws with the canteen call now aren't you?

The nets that we had at MCG before they were taken over, they were paid for by us maintained by us with no input from NT cricket so when they took them over to build the new undercover ones were we not entitled to any sort of compensation? Or do we just pack up and leave our home ground altogether? We put our sign there because they are our nets. and if you bring up turf nets you are really kidding as they haven't been used in more than 2 years at the very least by any club. that's right any club could/can use them not restricted to PINT.

if i remember rightly the canteen was put out to tender and guess what no one wanted to run it as it might have required some hard work, also if i remember rightly Palmo has run it and also the family of a now Darwin cricketer but hey lets just hang it on us.

As far as i am aware all grades all clubs use the change rooms that are now at MCG. So yes we get to use them as does everybody else who plays there.

Im thinking you might play for DCC correct me if im wrong but i will have a shot, what about their (read your) nets im pretty sure they weren't paid for by any person there but were donated by a players family and good on them that's brilliant but before you start having a go about free rides look in your own back yard.

there is also something called premier grade funding (look it up) which is available to any club up to 4K (give or take) yes we apply so we can use it in the upkeep of our facilities.
NT cricket never fixed them mate, and every visiting side used the old nets for hit ups which ordinarily wouldn't be an issue but when they are using their spikes which happened on a regular basis even with a request asking for them not to be, now it doesn't take a genius to work out the nets are going to cop a fair bit of damage if this happens. and who would foot the bill to repair them? You will be sorry to hear no it wasn't NT cricket it was the cricket club, and really you have answered all queries i had about yourself, if you played at tigerland what position are you in to have a a shot at us about unkept facilities, your kidding aren't you? your nets were (still pretty crap) the biggest joke in NT cricket for years.

And of course also being of tigerland you would exactly no what we do with our premier grade funding.
Actually, I don;t see how you can call our nets a joke, we spent 10 grand fixing them up and having a shed for our gear. we have 4 nets and I am not sure what would your living on, or if you have actually seen or nets in the last few years they are as good as anyones.

we don;t have turf nets..... but you can direct your complaints about how the money is being spent to why that has happened, but seriously wtf is wrong woth our facilities?

and ledgend, what went crazy at nightcliff?
cmon Mick you can't deny your nets were rubbish what "world" are you living on? 10k would have to have been the bare minimum to bring them up to scratch, no doubt they have improved and that's great but you are in denial if you think they were any good previously.
yeah they were uterly rubbish, hence why we fixed them. and you can say we got a HAND OUT because we got grants and funding to help. but we did. Pints do have it easier in the fact they have to find less volenteers then other clubs, but they do pay for the use of the grounds.... but i bet you that all clubs would happily pay for a curater and not have to find one every year