There are a heap of rumours flying about, can anyone confirm or deny the below:
- Mark Doyle returning to Riverside as Captain/Gibbs to coach only
- Salpig taking a year off cricket
- Bubis to St Francis
- Montmorency to field half or Rosanna's 1st XI from last season
- Minney to stay at Eltham
- Salvatore back to his former Club Lower Eltham
- Chris Salm possibly back to Plenty
- Quinny to knock back multiple offers of huge $ to stay at Eltham
On a previous point, if Adam Dale does get the bowling coach role with New Zealand he will be away for much of the summer I'm sure.
On Doyle - I have heard that, Gibbs to look after club as a whole
On Pig - I have heard that, needs a year off to get the body right and other personal stuff
On Bubis - I have heard that
On Minney - I would expect that
On Salvo - I hoave not heard anything on that
On Salm - I have not heard anything on that
On Quinny - I have heard he is still weighing up offers, amounts and other legal issues.