Eastern Cricket Association 2010/11 (part 2)

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well going with the theme of this forum i will not reveal, however it is irrelevant because i do not play in the ECA. I do however have an interest in the game as i used to play in the ECA.
that spells trouble for bulleen then. swift and miles dont go many innings without poles this season. good to see the captain finally did something too.
be a big crowd out there i'd think. my tip is ashburton but one strong partnership and its all over. Southern Punter did you do anything in the game?
i batted...
I can only imagine the young unfit kid your referring to is James Goodwin if Southern Punter says Goodwin took 2 wickets. I remember the bloke from a few years ago, could hardly recognise him now, safe to say the bloke has been in a huge paddock lined with big macs and golden gay-times. Stumps couldn't have come soon enough, the fat pig was blowing a gale after a few deliveries. Agree with the Porter argument, have seen him crack some amazing knocks in my time, if he hangs around Ashburton will be enjoying an ale before 3 olock.
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