Just when you think it's all done and dusted........
MULLY GO FOR 10 POINTS. What the hell??????
Is the fox officially in the hen house? Are Ashy and Haw playing for bragging rights only? Skevs, after a dominant performance against MA, have now let ED score 240 against them and it will make it a tough run chase with rain predicted during the week.
A few dropped off MA and they've torn NB a new one from the looks of it and GI have put in a good performance against Boronia with Dunstan Medallist Jack Taylor missing out again (getting ahead of himself??). If he has a disappointing Finals, they are just a chance, he is the key.
Going on the results, the top 6 will end up as:
GI 58
MA 54
Mully 46
Ashy 42
Skevs 40
Haw 36
I'm assuming that ED can hold out Skevs on a wet one and that Ashy can chase down 210 and that Mully can get the job done against Deep which looks a given. I thought Deep were on the up too.
A week is an eternity in the ECA
The black magic of Round 11 Strikes again !!!!
Good to see that Deepdene had their end of season trip fund " topped up " with a healthy donation from the MCC . didnt want to waste all the cash on Shaw for just 4 games.
Unfortunately looks like weather may play a part for the second week , which will add to the controversy & specualtion.
At this stage results should go :
GI to roll Boronia comfortably
Marcellin now easily over surrey
SKEVS will have covers down as of now - i think they will get the runs
Hawks will have the sprinklers on now - this will be very close Maybe hawks just on a green one .
Mont A to get the remaining runs .
Mulgrave also to have ' localised showers ' - i think they will get the outright . if 16 wickets fell last week surely at least 8 will fall next sat .
Hawks & Ashy - playing for fun now