Wazim Wazamadroota
There will be no cricket this weekend anyway with almost 60mm of rain forecast from Wednesday thru to Saturday. Leaves curators with almost no hope of getting a wicket up. If the GCA have any brains they cancel it tommorrow or Thursday at the latest to give curators a chance for the following week. They should play round 1 games on a Sunday later in the season (for turf grades at least).Yeh, if cause no-one from any of the member clubs will put their hand to help run the association and it affects us in some way, we will be unhappy... really.. Those that put in their own time already, should just do more? The stand by the association is fair enough I think. There is a chance for someone to help run the association, and guide it the direction they feel it should go, rather than just stand back and throw stones at those that volunteer to do it.