Geelong Cricket Chat

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Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

The posts were deleted to stop the thread turning into pages of people abusing each other like last time this issue was brought up. By all means discuss the original topic but the initial post was inflammatory and wasn't going to result in anything other than fighting.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;307766 said:
yeah dats wot i thought but they make da rules.. do u no wot the big fightings about.. a senior player is filthy at da moment, so is super brad 2 apparently

I dunno the story, if there is one I would of thought they should be hanging to get him back in the side after the last three games.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

The posts were deleted to stop the thread turning into pages of people abusing each other like last time this issue was brought up. By all means discuss the original topic but the initial post was inflammatory and wasn't going to result in anything other than fighting.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;307760 said:
just got a warning on baggin the babys arm.. sorry guys, just wanted to talk about da blu hes had with da south boys and wot actually happened.. any1 no?

u can guarantee it wont be discussed in here. that would make it ten times worse for babies arm and south as a club, so it wont happen so dont ask. you seem to be hell bent on destroying south and B.A.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;307766 said:
yeah dats wot i thought but they make da rules.. do u no wot the big fightings about.. a senior player is filthy at da moment, so is super brad 2 apparently

I dunno the story, if there is one I would of thought they should be hanging to get him back in the side after the last three games.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Good win by the Dino's, Ford boys terrific. KP especially. Bout time we got that winning feeling back. Long overdue.
thanks to a few of the St.A boys for the support and the Big B.A and a special mention to the super President for his vocal support. ha ha ha
Cheers lads. (No comment on SHANEBOURNEorWARNE's comments, thanks cuz) LOL
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;307760 said:
just got a warning on baggin the babys arm.. sorry guys, just wanted to talk about da blu hes had with da south boys and wot actually happened.. any1 no?

u can guarantee it wont be discussed in here. that would make it ten times worse for babies arm and south as a club, so it wont happen so dont ask. you seem to be hell bent on destroying south and B.A.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

crktluva;307925 said:
u can guarantee it wont be discussed in here. that would make it ten times worse for babies arm and south as a club, so it wont happen so dont ask. you seem to be hell bent on destroying south and B.A.

dunno what his goin on about. he must have been one of the guys in the hat-trick.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Good win by the Dino's, Ford boys terrific. KP especially. Bout time we got that winning feeling back. Long overdue.
thanks to a few of the St.A boys for the support and the Big B.A and a special mention to the super President for his vocal support. ha ha ha
Cheers lads. (No comment on SHANEBOURNEorWARNE's comments, thanks cuz) LOL
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Jurassic Park;307971 said:
Good win by the Dino's, Ford boys terrific. KP especially. Bout time we got that winning feeling back. Long overdue.
thanks to a few of the St.A boys for the support and the Big B.A and a special mention to the super President for his vocal support. ha ha ha
Cheers lads.

how did the top order go for runs ?? and who got wickets, i heard bambury made a duck ??
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

crktluva;307925 said:
u can guarantee it wont be discussed in here. that would make it ten times worse for babies arm and south as a club, so it wont happen so dont ask. you seem to be hell bent on destroying south and B.A.

dunno what his goin on about. he must have been one of the guys in the hat-trick.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

daniel_son_91;308000 said:
how did the top order go for runs ?? and who got wickets, i heard bambury made a duck ??

You were there . . . Here we go again a few more stories for big cricket. . . i can here Mr Miagi calling. . . :confused:
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Jurassic Park;307971 said:
Good win by the Dino's, Ford boys terrific. KP especially. Bout time we got that winning feeling back. Long overdue.
thanks to a few of the St.A boys for the support and the Big B.A and a special mention to the super President for his vocal support. ha ha ha
Cheers lads.

how did the top order go for runs ?? and who got wickets, i heard bambury made a duck ??
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Saw the most ridiculous thing yesterday at Thomson for the NDCC v Lara game, Witches hats were put out for the inner circle instead of paint.

Witches Hats:confused::confused:....................

Witches Hats:confused::confused:
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

daniel_son_91;308000 said:
how did the top order go for runs ?? and who got wickets, i heard bambury made a duck ??

You were there . . . Here we go again a few more stories for big cricket. . . i can here Mr Miagi calling. . . :confused:
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Saw the most ridiculous thing yesterday at Thomson for the NDCC v Lara game, Witches hats were put out for the inner circle instead of paint.

Witches Hats:confused::confused:....................

Witches Hats:confused::confused:
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Saw the most ridiculous thing yesterday at Thomson for the NDCC v Lara game, Witches hats were put out for the inner circle instead of paint.

Witches Hats:confused::confused:....................

Witches Hats:confused::confused:
probably the dumbest thing 2 do. smash a shot n it hits the hat n stops :S
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

crktluva;307925 said:
u can guarantee it wont be discussed in here. that would make it ten times worse for babies arm and south as a club, so it wont happen so dont ask. you seem to be hell bent on destroying south and B.A.

iam not hell bent destrouing any club.. just want 2 no da story, just like he would b on here giving it out 10 times worse. we just want 2 no wot happened. i no 1 parent who was at xmas party not happy but didnt tell da story. dis is wot we do on this, talk about storys. south have bcome a gr8 club with massive depth,its not particular about them,its wot hes done again and wot other people at the club feel about it
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Saw the most ridiculous thing yesterday at Thomson for the NDCC v Lara game, Witches hats were put out for the inner circle instead of paint.

Witches Hats:confused::confused:....................

Witches Hats:confused::confused:
probably the dumbest thing 2 do. smash a shot n it hits the hat n stops :S
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;308085 said:
iam not hell bent destrouing any club.. just want 2 no da story, just like he would b on here giving it out 10 times worse. we just want 2 no wot happened. i no 1 parent who was at xmas party not happy but didnt tell da story. dis is wot we do on this, talk about storys. south have bcome a gr8 club with massive depth,its not particular about them,its wot hes done again and wot other people at the club feel about it

Is this about him getting suspended or something since then?
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

crktluva;307925 said:
u can guarantee it wont be discussed in here. that would make it ten times worse for babies arm and south as a club, so it wont happen so dont ask. you seem to be hell bent on destroying south and B.A.

iam not hell bent destrouing any club.. just want 2 no da story, just like he would b on here giving it out 10 times worse. we just want 2 no wot happened. i no 1 parent who was at xmas party not happy but didnt tell da story. dis is wot we do on this, talk about storys. south have bcome a gr8 club with massive depth,its not particular about them,its wot hes done again and wot other people at the club feel about it
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Is this about him getting suspended or something since then?

the words that he had with a couple players in his team and that hornet had 2 leave da xmas party at da club b4 8pm coz of his actions
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;308085 said:
iam not hell bent destrouing any club.. just want 2 no da story, just like he would b on here giving it out 10 times worse. we just want 2 no wot happened. i no 1 parent who was at xmas party not happy but didnt tell da story. dis is wot we do on this, talk about storys. south have bcome a gr8 club with massive depth,its not particular about them,its wot hes done again and wot other people at the club feel about it

Is this about him getting suspended or something since then?
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;308088 said:
the words that he had with a couple players in his team and that hornet had 2 leave da xmas party at da club b4 8pm coz of his actions

its all true, i let hornet know how i felt with some of his comments, he got upset and left. the next day i was round at his joint laughin bout it.
we have our differences but we are close mates, he has a go at me all the time. big whoop. not really fussed wat 1 parent sez.:eek:

just sounds like pety jealousy really. dont worry bout the south boys, even if there was rumblings in the club. we are still good enuf to knock u guys off.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Is this about him getting suspended or something since then?

the words that he had with a couple players in his team and that hornet had 2 leave da xmas party at da club b4 8pm coz of his actions
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;308088 said:
the words that he had with a couple players in his team and that hornet had 2 leave da xmas party at da club b4 8pm coz of his actions

its all true, i let hornet know how i felt with some of his comments, he got upset and left. the next day i was round at his joint laughin bout it.
we have our differences but we are close mates, he has a go at me all the time. big whoop. not really fussed wat 1 parent sez.:eek:

just sounds like pety jealousy really. dont worry bout the south boys, even if there was rumblings in the club. we are still good enuf to knock u guys off.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Babies Arm;308089 said:
its all true, i let hornet know how i felt with some of his comments, he got upset and left. the next day i was round at his joint laughin bout it.
we have our differences but we are close mates, he has a go at me all the time. big whoop. not really fussed wat 1 parent sez.:eek:

just sounds like pety jealousy really. dont worry bout the south boys, even if there was rumblings in the club. we are still good enuf to knock u guys off.
no u shouldnt worry about 1 parent, but wen they talk thats wen its not good. well going buy the joeys boys ur team mates didnt mind telling them wot they think of u
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;308091 said:
no u shouldnt worry about 1 parent, but wen they talk thats wen its not good. well going buy the joeys boys ur team mates didnt mind telling them wot they think of u


now ur getting desperate
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Babies Arm;308089 said:
its all true, i let hornet know how i felt with some of his comments, he got upset and left. the next day i was round at his joint laughin bout it.
we have our differences but we are close mates, he has a go at me all the time. big whoop. not really fussed wat 1 parent sez.:eek:

just sounds like pety jealousy really. dont worry bout the south boys, even if there was rumblings in the club. we are still good enuf to knock u guys off.
no u shouldnt worry about 1 parent, but wen they talk thats wen its not good. well going buy the joeys boys ur team mates didnt mind telling them wot they think of u
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Babies Arm;308092 said:

now ur getting desperate
really??????? its the truth. the laughs on u!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahah
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;308091 said:
no u shouldnt worry about 1 parent, but wen they talk thats wen its not good. well going buy the joeys boys ur team mates didnt mind telling them wot they think of u


now ur getting desperate
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

lions den.;308095 said:
really??????? its the truth. the laughs on u!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahah

oh yeh, it is. dont worry mate, i will come back and play at south, no-one will say anything, we will win games and we will beat u again next time.

no joke on me there knackerbags.
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Babies Arm;308092 said:

now ur getting desperate
really??????? its the truth. the laughs on u!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahah
Re: Geelong Cricket Chat

Babies Arm;308097 said:
oh yeh, it is. dont worry mate, i will come back and play at south, no-one will say anything, we will win games and we will beat u again next time.

no joke on me there knackerbags.
they dont want u their champ! u think they do.ur no chance of playing their next yr, another club where no 1 likes u
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