HDCA Cricket Chat 2010/11

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2 piece ball back then, things have changed a fair bit since..you'll be surprised how tough the comp is.
It could be a decent comp for 2nd Grade teams but a side like Rosebank it wouldn't even be worth their time. I'll add Heidelberg in the same bracket. I Saw Lasith Fernando bowl in the GF and the record he had for the season i would be interested to see how many scalps he would pick up in Money Shield whether it would be a 2 piece ball or a 4 piece ball. Unless you think HDCA A GRADE is a worse Standard than Money Shield which would be preprosterous if you did say that.
Such language, such emotion just such raw power coming from your posts i can almost feel the energy coming from your moniter onto my Android Mobile. Enough about me, where do you stand in the game of cricket, are you a good player in a "strong" (take note of the inverted commas) team or are you another player that is wasting their time on a saturday playing local cricket in? Do you enjoy cricket or do you enjoy hiding behind a computer slowly enticing other forum-goers with your masterfull use of **. I have a proposition for you, Disk Jokey Yallah, why waste your time on a petty forum when you could drive down Yan Yean and pretend to bowl and bat on the grounds that you could only dream of playing on.

Bathilda Bagshot, is out.
What are you talking about you are just Rabbling along not making sense. Yes i do enjoy hiding behind a computer just like the rest of us. Why don't you come out and say who you are if you like and start the trend you hypocrite.
Regardless of which competition you are aligned with - it is fair to say that all three comps are being pretty poorly represented by a few on this site at the moment.

Arguing the merits/strength of each comp or club is pointless - it is a never ending question that will never be answered. The best two or three in the NMCA and HDCA would undoubtedly be competitive wherever they played - provided they didn't lose any of their better players. This is the same for all clubs - see Plenty for example.

From a HDCA point of view - good luck to Rosanna with their future endeavours. Those on here purporting to be Rosanna members are doing their club no justice whatsoever. Maybe you should have a chat with guys with such as Gary Carlton and Peter Hodder(to name a but a couple from your club) and learn something about humility and integrity. Roasanna leave the comp with their heads high and - with their current side - will be competitive wherever they play. Those present at the HDCA AGM would be fully aware of their position since last year and hold no bitterness towards RCC at all - disappointment maybe!

Those on here purporting to be from the HDCA and NMCA - time to pull your heads in a bit. Get on with the job of supporting and building your own clubs. If some of you put as much time into your own clubs and competition, as what you spend on a keyboard, then maybe teams such as Greensborough, Macleod, Rosanna, Rosebank and Camrea would not have left their respective comps.

At a guess, there is a massive chance that both comps will be playing together next year. Time to move forward and build something that could be a more than viable alternative to the DVCA.

Finally, I think you'll find rumours about Heidelberg, Banyule and Rosebank applying/joining/considering the DVCA could not be further from the truth. Speak to the people who know from these clubs and they will confirm this - anything to the contrary at this stage is mischievious at the very least.

For many of you it is time to remember the old saying about saying nothing at let people think you're a fool, rather than opening your mouth and confirming their suspicions.
It could be a decent comp for 2nd Grade teams but a side like Rosebank it wouldn't even be worth their time. I'll add Heidelberg in the same bracket. I Saw Lasith Fernando bowl in the GF and the record he had for the season i would be interested to see how many scalps he would pick up in Money Shield whether it would be a 2 piece ball or a 4 piece ball. Unless you think HDCA A GRADE is a worse Standard than Money Shield which would be preprosterous if you did say that.
I never said it was better champ, but it ain't far off.. You add four new clubs to it and you have a great comp.. I'm tipping lower plenty, borough, mont , sth morang would smash the likes of west, view and east.
ALL HAIL GARY CARLTON AND PETER HODDER- The new Gods of the Diamond Valley Cricket Association. They are the men that will take our grand competition to a whole new level of greatness and shall be fed grapes into their mouths and have their feet massaged by anyone that dares defies them!
I never said it was better champ, but it ain't far off.. You add four new clubs to it and you have a great comp.. I'm tipping lower plenty, borough, mont , sth morang would smash the likes of west, view and east.
Yeah you do make a fair point. Which on that basis HDCA have dissolved because of the difference between the top and the bottom. But 1 thing i don't get is if there are these decent clubs around playing Money Shield why can't they propose 2 Barclay Shield divisions which are zoned off. Where the Winner of the 2 zones play off in a super Final. That would maybe attract the bigger clubs in the area maybe to think about playing in DVCA. If the Opportunity of this proposal did Arise i'm sure you would have more clubs in the area onboard because at the end of the day clubs want to play in the highest standard of cricket possible. I know there's been some hostile words shared on this forum but if there can be more direction going up instead of starting teams and what not in lower divisions and working up, it doesn't make sense. There's needs to be Compromise from somewhere so that all good teams can be accomadated.
ALL HAIL GARY CARLTON AND PETER HODDER- The new Gods of the Diamond Valley Cricket Association. They are the men that will take our grand competition to a whole new level of greatness and shall be fed grapes into their mouths and have their feet massaged by anyone that dares defies them!

That's the funniest/best post i've ever seen on bigcricket.
I agree with a super comp..
But not sure what will happen from here on..

I also agree with super comp, IMO what will happen is, people will be elected to sort it out, and no one will be happy with whatever they do. It's an impossible job! Every club wants its own interests first.

Clubs really need to elect a 'supercomp' committee, sign a document to leave the arrangement in place for x amount of time, shut the f up and get on with it.

Over time it can work, problem is everyone wants it now without teething problems
Welcome to Who Chubs McWayman has been Snagging this Week. Here is Proof of who he's been seeing. This Female had a problem and Chubs has been called upon to fix it. Great Snagg chubs
I and my club will remain unknown but i have just recieved an email from Zumba Bedi from Rosebank wanting to come to one of the bigger clubs in Moneyshield seeing as though everyone in this forum knows everything about rosebank what does this kid play like
Look At What Camrea did to your intimiated Money SHIELD they ripped it apart with only have their best Side 1 bloke took 90 wickets that says something about what the standard might have been like. So i could only wonder what a team like Rosebank would do to Mill PArk and the rest of the MONEY SHIELD TEAMS.
Is it true that johnny green is getting a truckload next season to play for rosebank cc ? , would be a great get the lad can bowl prob just what the banker's need an opening bowler
Is it true that Jack Ridewood and Dan Kelly will be receiving their 1st paycheques Next Season great initiative by Heidelberg Cricket Club to pay guys who haven't proven anything at top level Pay cricket
Is it true that Jack Ridewood and Dan Kelly will be receiving their 1st paycheques Next Season great initiative by Heidelberg Cricket Club to pay guys who haven't proven anything at top level Pay cricket
Heidelberg doesnt pay anyone to play. It is very unlikely that the guys you mention would get payment at any club at this early stage of their career.
Please!! you pay imports, bubbles, noonan,Favrin ect,ect if you didn't this year you have before! you payed import, leave it at that!
and you call me the ignorant moron. now i know you're joking and just trying to get a reaction. rosebank would just about win barclay let alone start in a third division. stay in your dvca bubble because you clearly are the most dullest and deluded of individuals in terms of your knowledge on hdca cricket... and you're a virgin.

also clubs like greensborough faded away, the lost all there juniors because they had to play saturday morning junior cricket. the demise of g'boro isn't because they met a better standard of cricket it is in the fact that they were and are poorly ran.

rosebank are still divided on where they will play but i would be pretty confident in saying that the DVCA is not where they will be.

For someone who doesn't even play for Greensborough you seem to gob off about the workings of the club. You know nothing. The loss of juniors at Greensborough has nothing to do with joining DVCA and playing Saturday mornings. DVCA plays Friday night cricket now you numpty.The loss of junior teams is cyclical that is why the DVCA has lost about 50 junior teams in 3/4 years. Look at the HDCA. You are no better. You used to have 2 U17 div and now you have 1. According to your own dumb way of thinking that must mean that kids no longer want to play HDCA. Of course there are many reasons why kids have stopped playing cricket but playing DVCA is not 1 of them knobhead. Greensborough has not faded away. They played finals this year and 2 Grannies before that. To say they are poorly ran is a joke because you don't play for them and have no idea about anything involved with the club. You talk about Rosebank winning Barclay. They didn't even make the HDCA grand final. Not much of an argument there. How about you and DJ yallah get together and form half a brain and post something intelligent and insightful. Actually no, forget about it cos we all know that could never happen.
Argueing about which comp is better is like argueing about how long is a piece of string. Look at it this way. Rosanna won the regional 20/20 championship, NMCA recently beat DVCA 1sts and 2nds, 20/20 comp was mainly DVCA sides at the sharp end and Plenty went all of the way to the state GF last season. Just proves that a Northern Cricket league would have been a strong comp. Why some teams voted against it who knows but there definately would have been strength in numbers.
Heidelberg doesnt pay anyone to play. It is very unlikely that the guys you mention would get payment at any club at this early stage of their career.
the rumour i heard was that in order for these 2 cricketers not to get poached in the future their could be a salary for these 2 or some sort of incentive base for their performances over the next season. If true why does club like Heidelberg worry about Jack and Dan getting poached. From my point of view it shouldn't worry a club like Heidelberg as they would have 5-10 replacements ready for those 2 within the next 3 years
For someone who doesn't even play for Greensborough you seem to gob off about the workings of the club. You know nothing. The loss of juniors at Greensborough has nothing to do with joining DVCA and playing Saturday mornings. DVCA plays Friday night cricket now you numpty.The loss of junior teams is cyclical that is why the DVCA has lost about 50 junior teams in 3/4 years. Look at the HDCA. You are no better. You used to have 2 U17 div and now you have 1. According to your own dumb way of thinking that must mean that kids no longer want to play HDCA. Of course there are many reasons why kids have stopped playing cricket but playing DVCA is not 1 of them knobhead. Greensborough has not faded away. They played finals this year and 2 Grannies before that. To say they are poorly ran is a joke because you don't play for them and have no idea about anything involved with the club. You talk about Rosebank winning Barclay. They didn't even make the HDCA grand final. Not much of an argument there. How about you and DJ yallah get together and form half a brain and post something intelligent and insightful. Actually no, forget about it cos we all know that could never happen.
couldn't agree more goliath the fact is HDCA juniors have halved over the last couple of years and maybe the standard of juniors too. In terms of what you say about Rosebank is also correct but they were meant against more than Competitive Heidelberg in the Semi which also led through to the GF. If my Memory serves correct 2 games before Finals Rosanna were thumped by Rosebank by 55 runs. The only thing i will say to adjust your comment is what i've seen of Rosanna Heidelberg and Rosebank. All these 3 teams with the sides they've got now are capable of beating each other on their day meaning no one is superior out of the 3 at the moment as far i see it. They all have good A grade teams that would be more than competitive in Money shield and Barclay. Fact is Rosanna are the ones who will be representing the standard of HDCA next season in Money Shield if they are successful then we can safely say that the standard of HDCA cricket between the top 4 teams is of a decent standard and worthy for some respect.
For someone who doesn't even play for Greensborough you seem to gob off about the workings of the club. You know nothing. The loss of juniors at Greensborough has nothing to do with joining DVCA and playing Saturday mornings. DVCA plays Friday night cricket now you numpty.The loss of junior teams is cyclical that is why the DVCA has lost about 50 junior teams in 3/4 years. Look at the HDCA. You are no better. You used to have 2 U17 div and now you have 1. According to your own dumb way of thinking that must mean that kids no longer want to play HDCA. Of course there are many reasons why kids have stopped playing cricket but playing DVCA is not 1 of them knobhead. Greensborough has not faded away. They played finals this year and 2 Grannies before that. To say they are poorly ran is a joke because you don't play for them and have no idea about anything involved with the club. You talk about Rosebank winning Barclay. They didn't even make the HDCA grand final. Not much of an argument there. How about you and DJ yallah get together and form half a brain and post something intelligent and insightful. Actually no, forget about it cos we all know that could never happen.
I know very little about your club but the very little that i do know about it is that if your saying your club hasn't faded than i think lying to yourself because your president when deciding to depart from the HDCA had told people from the HDCA that they could land up in Barclay Shield within 1-2 seasons. But now 3 seasons have passed and you have failed to land in the big league. I know that Greensborough were a huge club before they left the HDCA. I cannot comment with numbers right now but i think it is irrelevant but what i'm saying is when leaving the HDCA your club would have had goals when joining DVCA. The question I'm asking you now have you achieved those goals, if so they musn't be very high. As for Rosebank yes they haven't made or won GFs the last 2 seasons, but you can't win all of them and when they did have a full team going a couple of years ago they showed how clinical they could be and still have proven in home and away games that they are the benchmark and on their days have thumped Heidelberg Rosanna Banyule and Edinburgh and they could probably do the same to all the Barclay Shield teams on their day and by a very big margin.
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