How Do I Change My Email Preferences?


Active Member
You wouldn't receive emails from BF unless you were registered. We did do a combined mailout recently with BF and BC for the KFC BBL. Is that the one you're talking about?
I've been getting BigFooty and Big Bash emails too. The only relevant setting I found in my Privacy settings is a box labelled "Receive site mailings", saying that I "will receive a copy of emails sent by the administrator to all members of the site". It's not a huge deal, but is there any way to accept only BigCricket emails and not the others?
I've been getting BigFooty and Big Bash emails too. The only relevant setting I found in my Privacy settings is a box labelled "Receive site mailings", saying that I "will receive a copy of emails sent by the administrator to all members of the site". It's not a huge deal, but is there any way to accept only BigCricket emails and not the others?
There is a 'receive advertising emails' option that you can switch off.