How to get test cricket off life support



How to get test cricket off life support

200 overs, total, per side, over both innings. So if a team
bats for 150 overs in their first innings, can't bat for more than 50 overs
in their second. Under this arrangement teams can still have the "big" innings and even
declarations (so their top order batters can bat again). And best of all
guaranteed to have a result, no more boring draws. Can also shorten matches in case of rain
and still get a result. Church lady: "I'm against it. Goodness gracious! Matches will be
finished before I can finish polishing my orthopedic shoes."
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

timmiyj you need to stop posting some stupid stuff its nutin wrong with test cricket
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

"nutin wrong with test cricket"

Really? Whenever I look at pictures of recent test
matches all I see are rows, and rows, and rows, of
empty seats behind the batter/bowler.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

This thread is nothing more than a troll.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

timmyj51 said:
Really? Whenever I look at pictures of recent test
matches all I see are rows, and rows, and rows, of
empty seats behind the batter/bowler.
Its called a sidescreen.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support


The 2 tests between New Zealand vs. Sri Lanka had total of about 7 people watching them in person. And that's the aggregate of both matches, not individual attendance.

The attendance for South Africa vs. India was blah, very average. But the problem is, Ashes with record breaking attendance were going on at the same time. So in comparison, those tests in South Africa seemed to be very poorly attended against that backdrop. Overall, they didn't seem to have the intensity of Ashes, when in reality they were tighter contests than Ashes. The SABC or Supersport (whatever South African channel) was also not as glossy and hyped as Channel 9 coverage from Australia. It just seemed duller and low key affair compared to Ashes.

I have no idea how the Pakistan vs. West Indies test attendances were. I neither watched any highlights nor actual coverage. My guess is that the attendances were poor. People in Pakistan don't care about going to watch Test cricket in person, unless opposition is India. They're not there to watch "cricket the sport" really. They are there to watch a "Pakistan vs. India" contest.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

And another thing. Have day/night test matches. Start in the afternoon
and finish in the evening so people other than the retired, the unemployed,
and the idle rich have a chance to attend.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

timmyj51;126822 said:
And another thing. Have day/night test matches. Start in the afternoon
and finish in the evening so people other than the retired, the unemployed,
and the idle rich have a chance to attend.

This is actually somewhat feasible, I've often wondered why they do not. I understand you can't very well play at night with the red ball, but they could push the hours of play back a little, and finish in the dusk hours with floodlights in effect. That being said, I am a big fan of tradition, and wouldn't really want to see anything done to mess with Tests.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

Yeah I def back day/night test matches, it stands to reason given that so many people work 9 till 5 that pushing the time back will give more people a chance to go.

We had day/night shield games for a few seasons, they used yellow balls one year and orange balls the next. The first games were really well attended, i was part of 13,000 at the MCG (Deano made 300!) But then for some reason they scheduled them the same day as test matches, crowds dwindled and I'm guessing it became to expensive.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

I love test cricket but ask your kids(if ya have any) or some young people what they think of test cricket and the answer wont be that pleasing to some of you, these young kids are the people that will decide what happens to test cricket in 20 years and look outside this great country of ours because even if we still love test cricket in 20 years its no use if we are the only ones wanting to play this form of the game, australia does not own cricket and our power block has been lost to the sub-continent they are the countries that are really going to decide what happens to test cricket and in 20 years china will be a part of that powerfull block and what do think that country is going to be brought up on, not test cricket. I would love it to stay the way it is but sorry its not and face it, it changed forever when Mr Packer seen the future in front of him and grabbed it with both hands, so everyone dont bag me out and just look into the future, i'm afraid some people will not like it. look how its changed in the last 25 years.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

Dannyboy;127700 said:
I love test cricket but ask your kids(if ya have any) or some young people what they think of test cricket and the answer wont be that pleasing to some of you, these young kids are the people that will decide what happens to test cricket in 20 years and look outside this great country of ours because even if we still love test cricket in 20 years its no use if we are the only ones wanting to play this form of the game, australia does not own cricket and our power block has been lost to the sub-continent they are the countries that are really going to decide what happens to test cricket and in 20 years china will be a part of that powerfull block and what do think that country is going to be brought up on, not test cricket. I would love it to stay the way it is but sorry its not and face it, it changed forever when Mr Packer seen the future in front of him and grabbed it with both hands, so everyone dont bag me out and just look into the future, i'm afraid some people will not like it. look how its changed in the last 25 years.
I hated test cricket all the way up until I was about 10-12. When you mature thats when it reveals how much they actually love the game. How old are your kids? Tests will grow on them as they get older.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

How old are your kids?

Dont like to give personel information over the net but i'll say two are over 13 years, i know where your coming from but i grew up playing footy in the winter and cricket in the summer but these days there's just so much more for the young kids to do. I really hope im wrong but you talk to young people and there just so different to when i grew up and im only 33.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

At first i thought it was just my kids but when i talked to their friends thats when it hits you, for example when i was a kid soccer was for the week boys who couldnt handle the rougher aussie rules but its looked on in such a different way now. Like i keep saying its a changing world and i dont think some people can face up to that but gee i hope im not around talking to my grandchildren saying that"when i was a boy" crap.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

Dannyboy;127824 said:
but gee i hope im not around talking to my grandchildren saying that"when i was a boy" crap.
:D :p

...but yeah I know what you mean, I'm only 17 though, I'm growing up in this generation, a lot has changed in four years if what you are telling me you think will continue. But I'd be confident that if your kids start to like any form of cricket (which is the purpose Twenty20 is useful) then Test Cricket will grow on them, thats just from personal experience.
Re: How to get test cricket off life support

...but yeah I know what you mean, I'm only 17 though, I'm growing up in this generation, a lot has changed in four years if what you are telling me you think will continue. But I'd be confident that if your kids start to like any form of cricket (which is the purpose Twenty20 is useful) then Test Cricket will grow on them, thats just from personal experience.

Thats exactly what i hope happens. I have a feeling its not just the form of the game they love (20/20) its also that entertainment showbiz side that they like. I remember being their ages and i was that hooked on test or ODI's that id sit in front of the tv and right down the score card in an exercise book. Those were the days, watching lillee charge in you'd think he really did want to kill the oppasition. Now warne's gone i hope someone comes in and takes that killer instinct place in the side.