I Am 10 Yrs Old...can You Assess My Batting Technique & Advise Please !!

you look 100% correct at that pace. when it gets quicker is when technical problems usually emerge.

I noticed something about "back foot and balance" on the last shot. But that realyl isn't a problem - much better to get your weight going through the ball and your back leg dragging forward than leaning backwards
Thanx for ur comments... many batsman like Peterson has developed this style of shifting weight on front foot along with lifting the back leg. Pitchvision acad has also described the same that it is better to shift weight on front foot by lifting the back leg to generate POWER.. But honestly speaking it is not IDEAl rather an adjustment.
I know balance is a probs of mine..... my coach is consoling it due to weak my thigh muscle....
I am working on it seriously.