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If you practice on a tennis court, how do you improve it's bounce? It has pretty good bounce, maybe a bit high, and lots of turn, but the bounce distance is messed up. The ball doesn't travel far enough! That's not really what I want to fix, my problem is backspin.
Backspin on a tennis court causes the ball to stay low and brake, so it barely travels any distance at all, frequently bouncing two times from a good length if you put lots of revs on it. Since there are many of you that have practiced or played on tennis courts, do you have any idea how to increase the bounce distance and lessen the grip of the surface?
Backspin on a tennis court causes the ball to stay low and brake, so it barely travels any distance at all, frequently bouncing two times from a good length if you put lots of revs on it. Since there are many of you that have practiced or played on tennis courts, do you have any idea how to increase the bounce distance and lessen the grip of the surface?