Kitting out a new youth team

southern spike

New Member
Kitting out a new youth team

We are starting a new u10 & u12 cricket team for local children but as we have no other youth teams we have no kit is there any sporting body or association in the UK we could approach for funding to help get the team kitted out ??
any advice welcomed
Re: Kitting out a new youth team

Have a look at the chance to shine website and the Cricket Foundation. Probably worth dropping them an e-mail as they may be able to point you in the right direction.

Also try this page at the Lord Taverners site. They often give away kit or least offer it at a discounted price and if you qualify would be a good starting point.

I know that the club I coach at received a bag of free kit (Kwik Cricket stuff, loads of balls (tennis/incrediballs/windballs) and other coaching kit) last season, not sure from who though.
Re: Kitting out a new youth team

i know our treasurer has just struck a deal with Kookaburra for our new youth section!

i will ask if he has any other ideas for you!