Re: MMVCA General Cricket Chat 2009/10

Interesting, i know Tapner pretty well and i can tell you from him that when his playing days are up, umpireing is not even close to being on the agenda.3D-503;374404 said:As disapointing as the umpires may be and i for one was spewing about a few that were turned down from my bowling, we still need them. To say ross terra was unlucky well maybe he was maybe he was not from were we all were sitting which is side on we could not tell it was missing by 6 inches, all batters think they were not out on lbw decisions win some lose some get over it.. Maybe all the complainers should give it away and take it upon themselfs to umpire then the standed might improve or maybe the older expereanced players like talior tapner pallini ellis betchy and co could think about it the standed would have to pick up then but it would be hard to give playing up.