Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

how can a drug case be insignificant? surely there must be some political pressure exerted on them.
Re: Mohammad Asif arrested in Dubai

No smoke without fire?

Been confirmed that Asif tested positive for drugs during the IPL, which happend just before he was arrested at Dubai.

More here.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

Wow, that's shocking :eek:. Not really, I was suspecting that it was him. But I will be really shocked if he actually gets punished for it.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

:(How many times has he been tested positive for drugs now? I just want to see him get back and bowl like he used to...
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

This is his second offence, I believe. But the way things are handled in Pakistan, there is a good chance of that happening.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

its actually his third, he really must be an idiot to think he can get away with it everytime and keep denying it. The guy is even asking for his B sample tested to prove him innocent.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

One of the biggest issues is that it drags the game into the mud, especially if he gets off again.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

He might get away with it too. The IPL violated the terms of the anti-doping rules by announcing the name of the player before the B sample was tested, so they might not be able to charge him with this offence.

Still, there's already enough marks against his name to justify the PCB dropping him - but can you see them doing that?
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

PCB has stated that they will not provide any support to Asif. I think it will be really hard for Asif to escape this time.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

I say ban him for 3 years at least.

EDIT: Oh it's his third offense? Life ban.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

Ban him for life, the guy is a clown. He continues to cheat as so far he's gotten away with it every time.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

Finally, they have tested the B sample and it has returned positive. I hope he gets a well deserved ban.
However, Asif claims he is innocent and is confident that he will come out clean.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

His lawyer reckons he can get away with it, or at least get a reduced sentence, because the samples had different concentrations of the drug. However I hope he does get banned, can't let him get away with it again
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

Worse than Ben Cousins!

Hope he's banned for a long time.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

Yeah, sample B had lower concentration but its still over the limit. Plus he also got caught red handed with drugs a month or two ago. I think its a pretty clear cut case.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

Hes oblivously not learnt anything so he should definatly get a ban. Not forever though
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

Why not? That's 3 times!

In the AFL they have a 3 strikes and you're out system, and everyone was criticizing them saying that their system was too weak.
Re: Mohammad Asif Tests Positive for Drugs during IPL

Really? i thought it was the second...
Maybe he should get a life ban then