Money Shield 2012/13

which result from the weekend is in dispute??? By the way isnt it funny how the poor clubs do well in t20!! Says something about culture i reckon

Who are the poor clubs, and how would you know their finacial positions? I don't think it says anything about a culture at all. It 100% comes down to the sides that the field. Some clubs use it to win, and subsequently pick near enough to their A grade team. Sone use it as a bit of fun and enjoyment to break up training and enjoy a light hearted game. Each to their own.
let me clarify 'poor'. As in the clubs whose results over last few seasons indicate they are not very competitive in the real form of the game - or more relative, the format we play each year. Not necessarily the rich/poor clubs. Clubs like Mill Park probably go well financially but are a good 'example' of a 'poor' club in terms of results, demotions in grade, off field dramas (read incident at juniors last season) and inability to attract/keep good players! Let me also clarify i do not dislike mill Park, only see them as a perfect t20 club. One that has little discipline or application or ability in our regular format but can flair it up with little care in shorter game!
which result from the weekend is in dispute??? By the way isnt it funny how the poor clubs do well in t20!! Says something about culture i reckon

Looks like it has been cleared up, must have been a little thing.

Poor generalisation, and for once, Tongs and I agree. Some clubs take it a little more seriously than others, nothing to do with being 'poor' or being a 'smash n grab' culture.
Winning is a culture, and whether a T20, an 80 over game, or a game of soccer at training, getting in to a winning habit makes for a happy club.
Looks like it has been cleared up, must have been a little thing.

Poor generalisation, and for once, Tongs and I agree. Some clubs take it a little more seriously than others, nothing to do with being 'poor' or being a 'smash n grab' culture.
Winning is a culture, and whether a T20, an 80 over game, or a game of soccer at training, getting in to a winning habit makes for a happy club.
if thats the case WU then why dont mill park (as the example we are using here) win more games or be a more successful and respected club in all other areas? You are half right. Winning is a habit/culture. But if you dont have that habit/culture what do you do? You thrash and bash and show off in a comp that is all about the $$$ with probably more respect for the result because there is less intensity, less care and less disciplines involved. And dont agree with tongs just cos you think you have to!!
Some clubs have had try outs to make the team, different uniforms, jumper presentations etc. some clubs pick the first 11 blokes to put their hands up to play. It has nothing to do with sides wanting to win a T20 more than a DVCA game. That's rubbish to suggest that Mill Park are as bad as what you suggest. They had a tough year last year, yes, but they will be back up in no time. Their great effort last night shows that they do have ability, they just need to put it into practice on a Saturday.

Also find it interesting that you say they can't attract players to their club. For mine, Brad Hodge is and will be the biggest name to ever play under the DVCA banner. T20 format or not, that's an amazing get and one that every local club in the whole of Australia would be jealous about.
Some clubs have had try outs to make the team, different uniforms, jumper presentations etc. some clubs pick the first 11 blokes to put their hands up to play. It has nothing to do with sides wanting to win a T20 more than a DVCA game. That's rubbish to suggest that Mill Park are as bad as what you suggest. They had a tough year last year, yes, but they will be back up in no time. Their great effort last night shows that they do have ability, they just need to put it into practice on a Saturday.

Also find it interesting that you say they can't attract players to their club. For mine, Brad Hodge is and will be the biggest name to ever play under the DVCA banner. T20 format or not, that's an amazing get and one that every local club in the whole of Australia would be jealous about.
mate you are a serious half back flanker! Are you on every clubs payroll, and the dvca's, as their official spokesman? Brad Hodge is a gimmick - pure and simple. Yes its a good thing for local cricket and will probably raise the profile of the club but will he be opening the batting for them this saturday in B grade? What im saying if you listen and can read is that if a club is doing so well off the field (as MP obviously are to afford Hodge) why cant they attract or keep good players for the every season stuff? Winning 1 game a season says more about the culture of the club than just being a 'tough season'! Again, only using MP as an example but you are kidding yourself tongs if you think winning the t20 will do anything for the club (especially if Hodge does most of the scoring in finals if they make it) other than make it a few extra bucks and sell a few beers! Cultures go alot deeper than that. What happens sat night if they have been bowled out for 90 again??
3 Slips,

Whether you are using Mill Park as an example or not you have no idea to the way our club is run. You may be right we haven't attracted big name recruits, maybe we are not interested in the mercenaries that come in take the money and run (we have all had some of those over the years). We have had some tough years in Money Shield granted and have been relegated due to something that the club really had nothing to do with, but we have moved on. As it has turned out and if you cared to look at our results i'm sure you would see the error in your comments. Last year our C grade were undefeated all year and lost to the better team on the day (gee thats hard to say) by 10 runs in the Grand Final. This season our B grade have started well, and so have our C grade team. To say we don't have a winning culture is very naive of you. Not sure where you play but our guys give more for our club than lots of other clubs I have seen or played at.

T20 is a completly different format which may suit some teams more than others but why should our victory create so much hate from yourself. Have we smacked you around the park at some stage. Did you get hit into the pond at the Den.

Just for my sake can you tell me what the real form of the game is. Considering this year we play just as many 1 dayers as 2 dayers, and now cricketers all round the world get paid a lot more to play T20 than test cricket.

I honestly don't see why there is always such bad comments made about us. If only you came up to the club and got to know people before you decide to pot them on here.
from what i have heard being wispered around, Hodge bought a car from someone at Mill Park and gave him a discount in lieu of the appearance.
Correct me if i am wrong.
I any event, I would have done the same thing given the opportunity and whoever it is at Mill Park needs to be congratulated for showing the initiative if what ive heard is true.
3 Slips,

Whether you are using Mill Park as an example or not you have no idea to the way our club is run. You may be right we haven't attracted big name recruits, maybe we are not interested in the mercenaries that come in take the money and run (we have all had some of those over the years). We have had some tough years in Money Shield granted and have been relegated due to something that the club really had nothing to do with, but we have moved on. As it has turned out and if you cared to look at our results i'm sure you would see the error in your comments. Last year our C grade were undefeated all year and lost to the better team on the day (gee thats hard to say) by 10 runs in the Grand Final. This season our B grade have started well, and so have our C grade team. To say we don't have a winning culture is very naive of you. Not sure where you play but our guys give more for our club than lots of other clubs I have seen or played at.

T20 is a completly different format which may suit some teams more than others but why should our victory create so much hate from yourself. Have we smacked you around the park at some stage. Did you get hit into the pond at the Den.

Just for my sake can you tell me what the real form of the game is. Considering this year we play just as many 1 dayers as 2 dayers, and now cricketers all round the world get paid a lot more to play T20 than test cricket.

I honestly don't see why there is always such bad comments made about us. If only you came up to the club and got to know people before you decide to pot them on here.
again i reiterate for the illiterate or just dumb. I dont hate Mill Park cc and i havent potted any individuals! their name was raised in conversation so i used them as an example. And stats dont lie my friend. Your ones last season and for a while now have been a rabble.Even the grooms have hinted at such! Maybe im old school but we dont play t20 in the Diamond Valley. Yes 1 dayers are more prevelant now but that is because of too many teams and will change when we have 3 divisions. And yes you have had a few shady characters walk through the place which obviously hasnt helped and i also know a couple of fellas on your committee who are good blokes and hard workers - so no dramas there. I just dont think raving on here about winning a t20 game does your club any favours, nor does winning it or getting Brad Hodge change your culture, which to us outsiders (and all we can go on is stats and facts) seems pretty poor
3 Slips,

Whether you are using Mill Park as an example or not you have no idea to the way our club is run. You may be right we haven't attracted big name recruits, maybe we are not interested in the mercenaries that come in take the money and run (we have all had some of those over the years). We have had some tough years in Money Shield granted and have been relegated due to something that the club really had nothing to do with, but we have moved on. As it has turned out and if you cared to look at our results i'm sure you would see the error in your comments. Last year our C grade were undefeated all year and lost to the better team on the day (gee thats hard to say) by 10 runs in the Grand Final. This season our B grade have started well, and so have our C grade team. To say we don't have a winning culture is very naive of you. Not sure where you play but our guys give more for our club than lots of other clubs I have seen or played at.

T20 is a completly different format which may suit some teams more than others but why should our victory create so much hate from yourself. Have we smacked you around the park at some stage. Did you get hit into the pond at the Den.

Just for my sake can you tell me what the real form of the game is. Considering this year we play just as many 1 dayers as 2 dayers, and now cricketers all round the world get paid a lot more to play T20 than test cricket.

I honestly don't see why there is always such bad comments made about us. If only you came up to the club and got to know people before you decide to pot them on here.
Maybe letting your firsts go winless and your seconds finished undefeated is a culture thing. Your 1's were not that bad.

But an outright win on the weekend is a start on the way back up.
Happy to watch hodge play I must say, good work.
Is shep still playing?
A couple of points of your post 2slips:

* Mill Park is being discussed because YOU BROUGHT THEM UP??

* I wouldn't say old school, I'd say moronic. You say the DVCA don't play T20s, yet discuss the fact that mill park won their first T20. So I would say yes there is T20 in the DvCA. Just a different format.

* Mill Park have not raved on here about their win at all. Not one bit.

* don't put that from outsiders it's poor, that's your opinion only. One that no one on here agrees with. So don't make statements that suggest you're the speaker for others.

* As for am I the speaker of DVCA etc, nope. I just throw my two cents in. There are many times where people agree with my comments, even if they hate to admit it, and other times where they believe I'm wrong.

And I will say that I've had run ins with mill park over the years, like most clubs. But I will stick up for them and any other area when I believe they are being unfairly slagged off by someone who only posts negative thoughts about every club.
Best Game, I see what you are trying to say, but its not like we deliberately let our First lose. how do you change results from a lower grade to a higher one. Not that easy. Money is a big step from C grade and as good as we were in C grade it was not enough for Money.

I think Shep is playing Golf.

Last year we had at least 5 - 17 year olds given every chance to develop and play the best grade possible, but in the end we were just not good enough. This season we have added a little more experience in some of the past legends of our club to help bring the younger talent along, and currently I see that working.

For Keyboard warriors like 2 Slips, It is harder to compliment a club for a good win, but quite easy to bag a culture that they don't know anything about.

Lastly, In regards to Brad Hodge, your comment about a 'gimmick' is ridiculous. How does it even effect you, and wouldn't it be great for the DVCA to have State and International champions come and play at local clubs even if it is only a T20. Think of the bigger picture than just your own backyard.
Best Game, I see what you are trying to say, but its not like we deliberately let our First lose. how do you change results from a lower grade to a higher one. Not that easy. Money is a big step from C grade and as good as we were in C grade it was not enough for Money.

I think Shep is playing Golf.

Last year we had at least 5 - 17 year olds given every chance to develop and play the best grade possible, but in the end we were just not good enough. This season we have added a little more experience in some of the past legends of our club to help bring the younger talent along, and currently I see that working.

For Keyboard warriors like 2 Slips, It is harder to compliment a club for a good win, but quite easy to bag a culture that they don't know anything about.

Lastly, In regards to Brad Hodge, your comment about a 'gimmick' is ridiculous. How does it even effect you, and wouldn't it be great for the DVCA to have State and International champions come and play at local clubs even if it is only a T20. Think of the bigger picture than just your own backyard.
Fair call, just looks over the past few years, that lower 11's have been stacked to gather lower grade flags at the expense of the top grades. Can't have blokes that should playing ones kicking the shit out of players that are half the talent of themselves. Would be the first to complain at my club if guys were dogging it and the club let it happen.
Shep golf.... seems why to scientific.... But can hit a ball.
It's a long way to Barclay from b grade, but you gotta start somewhere.
Your problem tongs is you want everyone to listen to and respect your opinion but you won't reciprocate. Only thing I agree with you is we all put in our 2 cents and we are entitled to. Tell you what, I'll stop speaking for other clubs when you do which is nearly every one of your posts! You know what you know and so do I. In the end we are probably both about 50% right. As for bagging clubs/players have a good read. Happily praised several clubs and players after the weekend. Mill park can do whatever they like I just don't believe winning a hit and giggle tournament does anything for your culture that is not based on the right things - eg winning recognized dvca flags in top grades (no disrespect to my fellow lower grade cricketers). I'll be waiting with baited breath for you to have final say - as always!!
A couple of points of your post 2slips:

* Mill Park is being discussed because YOU BROUGHT THEM UP??

* I wouldn't say old school, I'd say moronic. You say the DVCA don't play T20s, yet discuss the fact that mill park won their first T20. So I would say yes there is T20 in the DvCA. Just a different format.

* Mill Park have not raved on here about their win at all. Not one bit.

* don't put that from outsiders it's poor, that's your opinion only. One that no one on here agrees with. So don't make statements that suggest you're the speaker for others.

* As for am I the speaker of DVCA etc, nope. I just throw my two cents in. There are many times where people agree with my comments, even if they hate to admit it, and other times where they believe I'm wrong.

And I will say that I've had run ins with mill park over the years, like most clubs. But I will stick up for them and any other area when I believe they are being unfairly slagged off by someone who only posts negative thoughts about every club.

ummm, UTENSIL, just because people dont post about it, doesnt mean they don't agree. you are telling him not to speak for others when doing so yourself???????????????

time to get off your big cricket high horse
ummm, UTENSIL, just because people dont post about it, doesnt mean they don't agree. you are telling him not to speak for others when doing so yourself???????????????

time to get off your big cricket high horse

No high horse, If you read his previous post, he said something along the lines of "we outsiders look at their culture and that its poor".

No "WE" don't all think that, so I suggested he stop saying that its everyone's opinion. I understand and respect that he might think it, but not everyone does.

And calling me "utensil" wasn't funny or witty the first time, putting it in capitals doesn't make it any better. But keep trying little solider.
Solider on with codrel solider on! Good engrish utensil!! When I say 'we' outsiders it means plural for 'anyone' who considers themselves as such. One day you said this forum shouldn't be a shitfest and I agree. So lets not turn into little boys in the school yard. Keep punching out your opinions and keep your jaw hard and wear the odd jab. At end of day, results will decide what we talk about! If you talk the talk you know what you gotta do. In the meantime go spank yourself utensil..