Vince and a lady win a trophy for dancing the Twist. Afterwards the lady finds something very dangerous in Vince's coat pocket.
you've stumped me Vince 😆
Yeah it's time to stop. I thought (being clever) ahh that thing about dangerous dunniy visits will never show up on the first few googles. Too right, it certainly didn't.

Vincent Vega, played by John Travolta. Pulp Fiction. Vince plays a lazy assassin. If you think about it that's probably a very bad fault for someone with his job. You can put me in the stocks and throw pork pies at me.
Yeah it's time to stop. I thought (being clever) ahh that thing about dangerous dunniy visits will never show up on the first few googles. Too right, it certainly didn't.

Vincent Vega, played by John Travolta. Pulp Fiction. Vince plays a lazy assassin. If you think about it that's probably a very bad fault for someone with his job. You can put me in the stocks and throw pork pies at me.
Good game Vince 😆
Talking of pork pies, I love the pastry but not the pork, so I'll eat the pastry first! 😆
This film features a dead man who starts moving and walking whenever music is played
I think I would remember that one if I'd seen it. I gamely pasted your description into wikipedia and came up with "Weekend at Bernie's"
but it doesn't sound quite right. Pork pie?
I think I would remember that one if I'd seen it. I gamely pasted your description into wikipedia and came up with "Weekend at Bernie's"
but it doesn't sound quite right. Pork pie?
It is indeed Weekend At Bernies 2. It's hilarious and the music is pretty good too! 🤠
I love John Candy, such a shame he died so young. He could be my Uncle Buck anytime 😍

PTAA is a good film, I find the ending very sad though when it's revealed that Dels wife has died and he now lives on the road.
It's really, really stupid but I love one of his lesser known films Who's Harry Crumb?