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Off Topic Thread!

Ive only just noticed that! ! <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s>

I meant my sisters <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s>


<s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s>
Off Topic Thread!

Anyway when this has been cleared up, I will delete these posts <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s>
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[quote="wolf":b8abb]Don't you dare.[/quote:b8abb]

<s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s> <s><img><s>

Let me at least make these posts this small [size=50:b8abb]tiny[/size:b8abb] <s><img><s>
Off Topic Thread!

So did you all have good weekends then? I watched a lot of football (yes football for you Americans, not soccer!) for the Euro championshios.
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Well I started watching Scotland who I always support, then went over to the England match (who I am supposed to offiially support being English) but that bored me stupid, and then I watched Wales - Germany. Can't say any of the games were very exciting really.
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I'm only bothered about England Football when its the Euro thing or the World Cup. Other than that there boring <s><img><s>
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Tell me about it. Leicester won the Masters 5 a side thing yesterday and that was much more fun to watch even though it was a bunch of old blokes running round inside!
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[quote="Hopey":cb916]Talk whatever random bable you want in here...

What you upto this weekend?

Well personally, going to watch the First XI on saturday cos' we don't have a game, and going to have a few bevvies. The out into town for the pro's leaving doo... he has to go back early for a New South Wales tournament. Then I'm playing away on Sunday, gonna get some runs, with the preperation of 20 pints the night before! <s><img><s>[/quote:cb916]

Well my weekend whas actually great!! I stayed at a friends house and whe watched some movies (ghostrider) and baked a cake(wich failed)