only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

I disagree. I think baseball would love it. Keep in mind there are 162 games in a season in baseball. If you build a schedule where fans of baseball can go to cricket games when the home teams are away, I think it would work. And I think both sports will actually feed off of one another in so many ways.

What buisiness would say to a rival "come over and we'll give ya a helping hand". And for that to work baseball administrators would have to see cricket as an equal and at the moment they wouldnt. Maybe it would work if baseball owned the cricket sides playing but i doubt it.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

"Sorry but I can't see it like that. Are you saying that the baseball fraternity which has been embedded in the American way of life for a million years would take the friendly approach to a sport thats trying to muscle it's way in on their market?"

Actually, if you think
about it, cricket would be a huge new market for pro baseball talent. Can
you image Derek Jeter threatening to go play for the New York Sixes
pro cricket club to get Steinbrenner to meet his salary demands?

"And it would be their market. Human nature and the almighty dollar would suggest otherwise. Again I'm not saying it won't work but there will be some boat rocking along the way."

Yeah, it would rock the boat for the billionaire baseball owners. Personally,
I'd like to see nothing more than some good old fashioned competition for
those monopolistic bastards.

"As I said the initial marketing and development side will be crucial."

That it would. You'd have to come up with a glitzy, high-powered, form
of cricket for Americans. But can be done with 20/20 cricket.

"Americans are a lot like Australians in that you have to win them over, and initially they will be skeptical and will be hard to get them to even come along."

True, but if you've got guys wingin' in balls at 90 mph, smashin' balls into
the stands, runs coming at 10 an over, you're gonna strike a responsive
chord with Yanks.

"What is required is a few "money people" who are prepared to have the guts to stick it out and not be frightened off by a couple of early set backs."

True, but even more important: need some people with imagination and
smarts to put together
a type of cricket Americans can get excited about. Money can't buy this.

"But don't be naive in believing the baseball people will take kindly to it."

Yeah, the Steinbrenners and the other billionaire owners will be crappin'
in their pants. And I think a lot of Americans wouldn't mind seeing that
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Sorry but I can't see it like that. Are you saying that the baseball fraternity which has been embedded in the American way of life for a million years would take the friendly approach to a sport thats trying to muscle it's way in on their market?

Yes, 20/20 cricket in the US will have to planned in such a way that it does not step on the toes of the "baseball elite". That would be stupid and detrimental to the sport of cricket. But I think once the majority of the American public accepts cricket, and wants to watch, play and enjoy it, baseball will see it as another "business venture". How cool would it be to have an All-Star cricket team from the MLB, going up against an All-Star team of 20/20 US cricketers in a cricket match? Then have those two teams compete in a baseball game? Also, since cricket will be played during the summertime, Im sure the US tourism would love it because people visiting from countries like India, Australia, England, etc. Im sure would enjoy going to a baseball game at Wrigley Field one day, and the next day watch a 20/20 cricket match at Playboy Field(in hopes that Playboy will sponsor a cricket field:p ). There are way too many positive things that both sports could benefit, if they were to co-exist. Yes, baseball has been embedded in the US culture for over a long time, but so has cricket. Remember, cricket was the national pastime here prior to baseball. And if Im not mistaken, the first ever international cricket match was played between the US and Canada. The baseball elite can't just say "Oh we don't like cricket, so get the hell out of the country". If 20/20 cricket is what the people want, then no one can stop it from happening. Like I've said before, cricket in the US will probably never get into the mainstream level that MLB, NFL, NBA, and NHL are at, so I really dont see the "baseball elite" seeing it as a threat. If cricket does get to that level, then all the better.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

" 20/20 cricket in the US will have to planned in such a way that it does not step on the toes of the "baseball elite"."

And who's the 'baseball elite'? The billionaire owners like Steinbrenner? No American would mind if
these bastards are offended.

"But I think once the majority of the American public accepts cricket, and wants to watch, play and enjoy it, baseball will see it as another "business venture".

I'd like to say Americans will see it as an alternative to their entertainment dollar.

"The baseball elite can't just say "Oh we don't like cricket, so get the hell out of the country"."

If I recall, MLB was scared s***less when pro soccer first came to the USA and they couldn't
do anything about it.

"If 20/20 cricket is what the people want, then no one can stop it from happening."

Except for he likes of Inspirationless Cricket Council who continue to have their heads buried deep
in Dubai camel crap.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

form the ads on tv.....looks ike they will show Billy Crystal plaing cricket on 60 minutes sunday night
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

oops.......the cricket was on this week.........must be this week coming up
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Still didn't see anything. You really outta lay off those fantasy TV
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Chandu;128049 said:
It was such a long time ago, in September of 2007.

Oops, sorry!! I obviously meant, September of 1997!! Can't edit the old post now. :p

No, I haven't invented the time machine yet. If I had, I would have told you all who won the 2007 ICC World Cup!!! :D
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Yank pro baseballers are up in Florida at Spring training right now. Still not
too late for ICC to bring them into the mix....with an explosion of
interest and excitement.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

timmyj51;141996 said:
Yank pro baseballers are up in Florida at Spring training right now. Still not
too late for ICC to bring them into the mix....with an explosion of
interest and excitement.

Yes, it is. Aside from the fact that they play a totally different sport and are preparing for their season, there is no way they could be included in the tournament at this point. Even if it was a good idea (which it's not), and even if the MLB would allow the players to play (which they won't), there is no place to fit them into the tournament inside of a week before the first game.

In the future, let's try and practice a little thought process before posting. Something like this:
1) Is this post free of racism?
2) Is this post pertinent to the topic?
3) Is this post constructive?
4) Does this post not say anything about pro baseballers?

If, and ONLY if the answer to all these questions is YES, then post. Otherwise, don't bother us all with it.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Hope attendance at these warm-up matches not gonna be a reflection of
the real games. Looking at the Cricinfo pictures see rows and rows of empty seats at every game, though thousands of
Yanks probably on the beaches just a couple miles away.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

i didn't think many practice games would draw well, especially since there are soo many actual WC games to be played.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

timmyj51;142299 said:
Hope attendance at these warm-up matches not gonna be a reflection of
the real games. Looking at the Cricinfo pictures see rows and rows of empty seats at every game, though thousands of
Yanks probably on the beaches just a couple miles away.

I think your hopes will come true..............attendance at these warm-up matches are not goingto be a reflection of
the real games.
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Dave;142482 said:
I think your hopes will come true..............attendance at these warm-up matches are not goingto be a reflection of
the real games.

Sure hope so! Looking at the Cricinfo photos of most
recent warmup matches. Rows and rows of empty
seats! Even for the Windies match Australia/Pommie
Re: only Yanks can revitalize world cricket

Hmmm...."Bandi" gets deleted but "Pommie" is OK! Can you say: Double