Pet Hates:

Re: Pet Hates:

Jonesy said:
Bowlers who run up really really far but still bowl slowly.
Oh yes. The bowler who runs from a really long distance as if he is going to bowl at 90mph. Half way into the shot you realise that the ball isnt even half way down the pitch and end up giving a easy catch to midwicket.
Re: Pet Hates:

When the other team know full well they aren't going to get enough players to put together a team, but rather than lose the points, they make up some excuse about the pitch not being available/ready. End result? We miss out on a chance to play cricket on a rare sunny day (not even enough time to arrange an emergency friendly), and they lose nothing.
Re: Pet Hates:

What I hate? The only thing I hated is the wicket keeper trying to sledge you every single ball, yesterday, I wasn't in a mood to hear too much either and when I missed a reverse sweep and he kept talking about it for the next 30 minutes, I simply had enough and I told him something like this.

"Bark bark bark... why don't you stop barking? It would help you keep the wicket properly and not give away half of the runs away in byes... Oh, I'm sorry, you can't stop barking, it's in your blood."

That sure made him shut his mouth up. . .
Re: Pet Hates:

i hate the batsmen who missses the reverse sweep and then is so bitter he sledges the wicket keeper! ::) :p :laugh:
Re: Pet Hates:

People who stare and give a evil smile as if to indicate that people over 30 or working or married have no right to play cricket.

"Shiner's" not "Players": Who are a big mouth about their own game trying to outsmart people and hopping from one team to another which also creates a bad influence in youngsters.
In the end; struggling to score runs or to even bowl a decent spell but will not feel any shame or sad about their own performance but would go ahead to judge other's.
Re: Pet Hates:

yea that would be pretty glum,

How about getting to game day, just about to walk out the house and getting called to say the oppo cant fulfill a team!
Re: Pet Hates:

Yeah, that's a real bummer!! I tell you what though, we play in a league with a lot of teams from Glasgow and the absolute worst is driving for 2+ hours only for it to pour as soon as you get there!!
Re: Pet Hates:

When told to play next day's match and taking a leave from office.
Getting a call late night from Coach confirming the attendance.
Again a call early morning to confirm the same.
When on reaching the venue to be sidelined by other player without any courtesy to tell and then avoid eye contact.
Re: Pet Hates:

thats just not cricket!

How about opposition Captains who say they have a very weak side, so you reverse the order to give people a bat or bowl etc and they turn out to be 100 x better than they made out?