Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions


New Member
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

Looks like only the Aussie and English country subforums currently have domestic cricket discussions. I'm not sure what the best way to cover Indian domestic cricket would be because we have so many different competitions[/url:fc021] and also the ICL coming up. There are 27 state teams as well, apart from the zonal teams and the rest of India team. Maybe separating by tournament rather than team would be a better idea? At the same time, I think too many layers of subforums would make it difficult to find.
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

As you've pointed out, India does have a lot of teams within its many domestic competitions which would make subforums inconvenient. Also, there is not much following amongst Indian fans for domestic cricket, compared to the interest you'll find the English and Aussies taking in their domestic teams.

Creating subforums for the competitions alone and not the teams is definitely a valid idea, but I would like to hear what the other members think.
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

I must agree with [i:5d4b1]Sohum[/i:5d4b1]. It takes me forever to to get to the Lancashire section <s><img><s>
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

That's a legitimate concern. I've added a poll, so please vote and add your opinions here.
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

This was discussed when we set it up, but would love your views on it! <s><img><s>
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

I think it would be much better if like in England forum we just had a sub forum for LV County Championship, FP Trophy, Natwest Pro40 League and Twenty20 Cup. Would mean we wouldn't have so many empty forums for many teams. Maybe once the forum has lots of members it could be re-introduced...
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

The only thing I don't like is it looking empty <s><img><s> SO if you post in them we'll add them! <s><img><s>
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

[quote="Hopey":6c871]The only thing I don't like is it looking empty <s><img><s> SO if you post in them we'll add them! <s><img><s>[/quote:6c871]
What I'm saying is that the current counties forum is looking empty. So that's why it should be replaced with the competition forums and that will make it more active.
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

[quote="treva":d1467]I think it would be much better if like in England forum we just had a sub forum for LV County Championship, FP Trophy, Natwest Pro40 League and Twenty20 Cup. Would mean we wouldn't have so many empty forums for many teams. Maybe once the forum has lots of members it could be re-introduced...[/quote:d1467]

That's definitely worth considering. If the poll ends up confirming that, we'll switch to using the competitions for sub-forums.
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

Well, we've made some changes. But, I just wanted to make sure if this is how you guys pictured the changes or if we need to make some other changes as well.
Poll: Subforums for teams or competitions

I voted Sub-forums for competitions in all the countries because that sounds more fair.