



There has been a recurring problem in my batting my whole playing life, and that is that i cant convert being able to bat into making runs.

I have an ok technique, i can play most of the shots, except leg glances and sweeps, and i have been told i have a good eye but i have one problem, which is backing away and trying to hit through the off side instead of going forward and playing the ball. I can also hit a cricket ball a helluva long way when i middle it.

the problem is metioned above, I just lose everything when i go out to bat and suddenly i cant play for cr*p. This means i get put down the order, and people who are worse than me get put up.

Any help would be great
Re: Problems

I think one issue your having is wanting to be 30 or 40 before you even face 10 balls or so. The first thing your thinking when you get out to bat is "right, today I want to get some runs". I bet your counting every run you make. Basically your not thinking on the next ball.

I think the best thing would be for you to go out to bat and just forget about how many runs you are, or what score you want to make. Just play each ball one at a time.

Have a plan to, look to leave the ball early, nudge a few singles, then as you get used to the pitch expand your shot making a bit. Heaps of guys want to get runs but they don't know how to get there.

It is hard but the best advice I can give is to forget about what score you are on when your at the crese, and just play one ball at a time.

It seems to me that your that keen to make runs that your fo
Re: Problems

Try and get yourself (buy or borrow from a library) a copy of "Bob Woolmer's The Art and Science of Cricket" and read the second part of the first chapter, which is about mental toughness and techniques to improve your confidence and concentration. If your technique's good in practise but bad on the pitch I'm pretty sure your problems can only be mental, and I'm also pretty sure that this chapter will help you solve it.
Re: Problems

well it sounds that this is actually affecting your game....i.e you havent done in the past and now you think you will never make runs. I get probs like these all the time and i think yours is mental. Just play your shots, im not sure what type of batter you are so if you like to score quick dont throw your innings away by playing a stupid shot.
Re: Problems

The one we haven't touched upon is trying to replicate a game situation in practice.

Give yourself a scenario when batting. Inform the bowlers and even set a field. You can markers down in the nets if you want to give the impression of close fielders etc. Make it as realistic as you can and see what happens - do you bat as normal or do you start to fall apart?