

New Member

guys sony official realed they are gonna make a ps4 in 2011. cant wait. i only got a 360. wad do you have console wise

Had a 360, sold it after 2 months. Completed Brian Lara in a day. Easy as pie.

I don't really do gaming...
I do internetz <s><img><s>

Did any one saw the ads video about ps4? its really something impressive and it will change the gaming world. Controlled by mind and vision are all seen full screen. lot more dam can't really wait but after 11 years i might die <s><img><s>

ok here's a real nintendo lover!! Thi I am a ps 1 and 2 I would absolutely not give that amount of money for another ps (unless I can get it for free ofcourse). Nintendo is much better these days and the games ps3 has are not even as fun as (for example) as the wii sports. It's the simplicity of the games of nintendo and the cheap prices wich atract me at the moment. Not the nice grafics and the extreme high price. <s><img><s>

Wich game did you play?? Couse indeed some games tend to get boring after an hour or so. But with wii psorts you go more than 1 game so you can fill your time with that one. <s><img><s>

If you really wanna try it I suggest to try some more game. The pirates of the carribean one is cool to. You can actually have a treu swordfight on wich your remote is a sword. <s><img><s> verry awsome but watchout not to loose you remote or else it can be broken(like my brother in law had)

[quote="rtk-killer":cd25c]whats the point of making a ps4, almost nobody bought a ps3..
and by 2011 there will be better emulators then ps i think.[/quote:cd25c]

I must agree, PS4 whas a flop. Unless they will lower the prive with at least 300$ I don't think they wil ever sell good again. That's nioce about nintendo. They sell quality for a reasonable price.,