Retirements/club Changes 2013/14

I've read through the last couple of pages several times and perhaps someone out there could educate me on what exactly a 'winning culture' is. It seems to be the new phrase to trot out, but I cannot fathom what this actually means in simple terms. I just thought you needed the skills and a little luck (from time to time), to make more runs than the opposition to win matches.

Are you new to the concept of sport? Or culture? Or how the two are linked?

I wouldn't have thought the importance of a good/winning culture was just about cricket or sport.... but most things in life.
I've read through the last couple of pages several times and perhaps someone out there could educate me on what exactly a 'winning culture' is. It seems to be the new phrase to trot out, but I cannot fathom what this actually means in simple terms. I just thought you needed the skills and a little luck (from time to time), to make more runs than the opposition to win matches.

The fact that you get on here, and openly attack and smear the name of YOUR OWN club, bagging the players ability and functions would suggest the culture at your club, or the way you live is not what I would call a "positive or winning culture". I will say it again. BU must be rapt to have you at their club.

(just for the record - I don't agree with your thoughts on BU)
About time LP got rid of Potter - one of the most reprehensible humans I've ever come across in a dozen years of senior cricket. I was constantly bamboozled by his sense of entitlement when it came to cricket, whether that be on the field (where he fields, what number he bats, when he comes on to bowl) or off the field (influence over team selection).

I haven't played Money Shield for a couple of years now, but last time I was out at LP there was obviously a serious divide between the players, and from what I was told, Potter (and to a lesser extent Zerafa) was the ringleader of the group that would constantly agitate for change without ever actually putting their own hand up. It might hurt in the short term, but having a group of 1st XI players who are willing to train, support and make lower grade players feel welcome will undoubtedly assist in the long term.
Blackhawk - a winning culture is basically just an expectation that things will turn out alright (which is what Tongs alludes to when he refers to "most things in life"). When the chips are down everyone stays positive, everyone tries to pull together, and no-one lets the opposition feel like they're over the line even if they're 5/200 chasing 210.
So what you mean is you can't explain it either Tongs. You forget that although I can be critical, I also defend my club where needed and I guarentee you, I am far more critical of my own performance than I am of anyone elses. Since I was the only player in the home and away season to make over 400 runs and one of only 4 to be over that mark for us last season (I did not play any 20-20 games), maybe, just maybe I'm onto something with what you don't call a 'positive winning attitude'.

BU seem pretty rapt to have me there when I'm; setting up the ground on a Saturday morning, helping run the canteen on a Friday night, helping with cricket clinics in the pre season and turning up each Sunday morning for Milo. People don't feel shy about ringing me to pick up supplies or whatever else for the club either, which I am generally able to do. In the words of Abraham Lincoln; he has a right to criticize who has a heart to help.

Andy that is about the best explination I've every read, but as I read it, it's just hope that everything will turn out ok. Call me a simplistic man if you must, but I'd rather the skill to win matches rather than rely on hoping for the best.
So what you mean is you can't explain it either Tongs. You forget that although I can be critical, I also defend my club where needed and I guarentee you, I am far more critical of my own performance than I am of anyone elses. Since I was the only player in the home and away season to make over 400 runs and one of only 4 to be over that mark for us last season (I did not play any 20-20 games), maybe, just maybe I'm onto something with what you don't call a 'positive winning attitude'.

BU seem pretty rapt to have me there when I'm; setting up the ground on a Saturday morning, helping run the canteen on a Friday night, helping with cricket clinics in the pre season and turning up each Sunday morning for Milo. People don't feel shy about ringing me to pick up supplies or whatever else for the club either, which I am generally able to do. In the words of Abraham Lincoln; he has a right to criticize who has a heart to help.

Andy that is about the best explination I've every read, but as I read it, it's just hope that everything will turn out ok. Call me a simplistic man if you must, but I'd rather the skill to win matches rather than rely on hoping for the best.

Did you seriously just write a 2 paragraph pull-fest about yourself? Wow!

You may do some great things around the club, and I am sure that they greatly appreciate that. But just out of curiosity, I wonder what they think about you slagging off your 1s. The players. The functions. The committee. etc. As I said, if what you said is true, then good on you. Thats fantastic how much time and effort you put in. Clubs can't operate without people doing those things, but that doesn't give you the licence to get on the internet and slag off your own club and members for all other clubs/potential players/sponsors to see. Not a great look from an outsiders point of view.

What does that say about you as a "clubman"?
Oh geeze, you question my understanding and attitude towards the game and expect me to talk of who...James Hird? All this because I ask for a definition of a 'winning culture'. Really Tongs, do you think I sledged you or something in the past? lol
I don`t know Potter as well as you do Andy, but I did play Dowling Shield with him and it sounds like he hasn`t changed a lot. It all makes sense now, that's why the LP rat pack are heading down to BU. Good luck to Nick Curtin controlling those ego`s, my bet is Whitnall will end up back at Plenty after a couple of months if Potter follows the rat pack. Does the little man still keep?
Hearing rumours that Julia Gillard wasn't the only ranga to get the Tijuana this week??
Can you confirm or deny Premiers Again..
100% nobody was given the arse from our club.

An unsuccessful candidate for the 1st XI captaincy informed the club he wasn't going to continue with the club next season, and would return to his former club to play in the 2nds and 3rds
Blackhawk, buddy. Do yourself a favour and talk to nick about what standards and expectations blokes like bond, hubber, love, johnson, pavey, amalfi and co had at plenty through their halcion days. Then you mite learn a little bit about culture. It has nothing to do with hope. Those blokes knew they would win because of the no nonsense, professional hard working approach they had to what 80% of people treat as 'park cricket'. They played how they trained. Didnt accept bullshit excuses in games or training. Didnt go to the races or weddings during the season. Trained twice sometimes 3 times aftet xmas break. Did hundreds of extra throwdowns. 6ps you lot. Proir preparation prevents piss poor performance!! As for potsy some people are misunderstood. He has white line fever and while some things he does i wouldnt do, gotta love his passion!
are you saying that you were approached to captain or coach at Mont??

I was away from Melbourne for most of last two seasons (which meant I didn't play), and have been in contact with a number of former teammates and opponents about what type of players their clubs are seeking, and whether I could fit in. My chat with an old friend at Mont barely went beyond me responding in the affirmative when asked if I'd be interested in sitting down for a chat once their coach was confirmed (which I got the impression they wanted to absolutely confirm prior to speaking with potential players).
Anyone know who is now in charge at North Eltham? Also heard ************ all from epping, gboro, riverside, l.eltham or stars!! Cmon you lot, especially you tongs - start filling some pages on here.. And if you don't know anything at least start a rumour!!