Rip Phil Hughes

Awful to see. It happened in a sheffield shield game.
He was batting and sean Abbott was bowling and had bowled a bouncer that had hit hughes in the temple.
Twitter and facebook have gone nuts with the tributes.
Pretty sure I heard it was at the lower left back part of the skull. No harm but think its best we have facts in the OP of serious threads like this one.

Thoughts are with the Hughes family
Obviously a pretty rough day for Australian cricket with Hughes' very unfortunate injury. Thoughts are with him and his family and hopefully he can make a speedy recovery.
This has been a **** day. Once I heard it, it just lets the air out of the balloon. Listening on radio in Melbourne, the nature of the presenters changed tack once the news was known. It's actually bothered me more than I thought it would. My thoughts are with him and his family and friends :(
As a mark of respect Cricket Australia have allowed this round's Sheffield Shield games to be abandoned due to everyone being worried about Phil Hughe's health.
Holly hell what horrible news, I only heard about the accident a couple of hours ago, now find out the poor bloke has passed on.