someblokecalleddave's Blog

My congratulations. :thumbsu: Keep us posted about how he goes.
Yep will do. It's a pretty tough gig as would be expected. There's an A team which Joe is in and they'll be training with Essex District coaches almost every two weeks from the end of this month. But in the background will be a 'B' Team who will train less and at different times as far as I can make out. But if any of the 'A' team falter, the stronger 'B' Team boys will swap places with them. There's a little bit of serendipity about the whole thing, because every single coaching/training night for the year is to be on Thursday night, for the last 6 years I've had to work on Thursday nights as a photography lecturer (My job), but this year the course was affected by Government cuts and was no longer subsidised, as a result far fewer punters enrolled and the course was no longer viable as a profit making venture and closed after the first week!!!! So I can go to every session!:D
Although it's winter, I'm in Sussex tomorrow taking pictures of pavilions for my on-going project. My older son is doing his Duke of Edinburg training (Canoeing) at a lake out that way and it means I'll be sitting around for 6 hours, so I've been doing the research tonight and I've got 9-11 pavilions to visit in that 6 hours. No satnav, just a list of instructions, road and place names, I wonder how I'll get on? Have a look at how the blogs going here... - You know how to support blogs, please do so and share further. Thanks.
Added some of the new images to the blog today and yesterday, managed to get round to 11 pitches shooting the pavilions. Massive difference in the types which is what the project is about. I found it weird that towns with populations in excess of 100,000 people have the worst facilities whereas tiny little villages out the back of nowhere a lot of the time have palaces in comparison with the shoddy town pavilions. Same thing repeated yesterday. Check out the ones in and around Crawley (Pop 110,000) compared with Bolney CC population 210 or something. Here's a taster - East Dean CC pavilion on the coast of West Sussex, possibly one of the most beautiful locations so far... Check my blog with all the images so far here please support my blog, share and like using other social media platforms and you know what to do in order to support it financially.
Would love to get to the UK for a look one day but it's just so damn expensive.
Same for me, never been a big traveller, but Australia is one of my last ambitions. I would love to have surfed over there, but at 56 the likelihood of it ever happening now with a proper surf thrown in is rapidly disappearing. Never been able to afford it and can't see anything changing in the next 14 years that'll change that. Just had a look at Merridin to see if there was a cricket ground there, couldn't see one, was going to offer a house swap for a month, but you've blown it with no cricket pitch!;)
Just had a look at Merridin to see if there was a cricket ground there, couldn't see one, was going to offer a house swap for a month, but you've blown it with no cricket pitch!;)
Ha, trust me you wouldn't want to come here, would get bored after about one day..

We do have cricket here though at the main town oval, 2 or 3 proper turf wickets that they use for games and a pair of nets with astroturf for practice.