Southern Son
Hey foolish youth. Have your xmas break-up a week or two earlier. Put your Q back in the rack and cool your heels before you have a coronary.
Think you'd find that the majority, if not ALL clubs, would have their xmas break-up EVERY year on the last weekend of play before xmas. That the whole point of a xmas break up - to have it as close to xmas as possible, when it's the last time club members see each other before the break. Why not just have it in Nov Dingo?... Pretty silly oversight on the VT's part. It'd be safe to assume they didn't canvass the opinion of clubs about the scheduling of a reserve day or, as suggested here, the possible arrangment of a date between the 2 clubs (worked well for the T20 comp).
Anyway, back the cricket itself - any standout performances today?