Am I supposed to write touche now?When you go on about your great NSW players, I find it tiresome and won't reply in the future.
..and where are all these NSW players I am supposed to go on about then? Your talking thru your hat again.
Two certainties in Will Pucovski and Cameron Green. Bryce Street (probable), Daniel Drew, Lachlan Hearne, Corey Hunter, Ryan Hackney, Mitchell Owen, Oliver Davies, Cooper Connolly, Bradley Hope, Tom Kelly (possibles).
Jason Sangha, Henry Hunt, Mac Wright (outsiders)
Ten of that list are not from my state. So where is the NSW bias.
Will Parker, Jarrod Freeman are not from NSW, Jaden Goodwin is from WA as are Clint Hitchcliffe and Liam O'Connor. I am also backing your claims about Sam Fanning (WA) I have seen some WC footage.. albeit white ball.. and he looks a destructive batsman. I also saw some footage of him in the nets. He has a eye like a dead fish and I was specially impressed with his spin play.. good use of feet and not scared to meet the ball and loft. Nothing pisses off a spin bowler more than having some bloke drop kick you back over your head.
I reckon it is a case of you doing same as what you say I am doing. I deny I am bias against players from my state while you tend to push mostly Qlanders and to a lesser extent Vics and how great they are.. Do you deny that.
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