The Lounge 2

Ahh well done! You've toilet trained your new puppy ๐Ÿ˜ƒ must be lovely watching him grow and play around with Bonnie ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿถ
It is. Boy is he cheeky tho as when not attacking Bonnie (friendly) he is also stealing her toys and testing our patience. Every evening I run him round our large backyard and play with him, is enjoyable and more importantly, tires him for sleep. He will soon be having walkies with Bonnie.
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It is. Boy is he cheeky tho as when not attacking Bonnie (friendly) he is also stealing her toys and testing our patience. Every evening I run him round our large backyard and play with him, is enjoyable and more importantly, tires him for sleep. He will soon be having walkies with Bonnie.
Keep the routines going Craig till it's firmly ingrained. ๐Ÿ‘ Good on you for your excellent efforts so far.
My old dog automatically does his business outside thru his little doggy door and around my yards. WIth my cat, I spent only 2 weeks training her to use that door, and she is very clean, except for vomiting onto my floors occasionally. We're getting better but she showed her dark side today with my pool mates attacking our food spread. Cheese! She fights and scratches for Cheese.

I reckon Cats are harder to train, but not impossible. Mine can't help killing rodents, but also little native Skink lizards in my yards which I'm not happy with. She's naturally extremely clean and discreet toilet wise, and very friendly most times. I like her inquisitive nature too, like just the other day she found the comfort of my office chair with my special oldfellas' cushion.๐Ÿ˜ด

Skinks are ~5cm long small harmless lizards. I move them as needed away from my cat. They eat insects like mosquitoes which I like. Their defense mechanism is to drop their tails to feed a pursuing predator, like my cat. Picking them up gently to move them to safety which I can mostly do without them dropping their tail. Their skin is like the softest velvet.
My eldest daughter had several Aussie Lizards as pets. Greyhounds now!

I'm letting the spiders and their webs under my patios live and to have free reign, in the main. They trap and kill Mosquitoes, the real enemy. The carriers of many diseases like the Ross River Virus now spreading into my Perth region.
Redback and Whitetip spiders I kill on sight, no mercy. They're nasty and the US Black Widow is just like our Reback.
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It is. Boy is he cheeky tho as when not attacking Bonnie (friendly) he is also stealing her toys and testing our patience. Every evening I run him round our large backyard and play with him, is enjoyable and more importantly, tires him for sleep. He will soon be having walkies with Bonnie.
I love how animals have their own characteristics, they just come naturally to them. My last dog would always have a good shake when we reached a certain path on our walks, so I'd get covered in muck if she'd been in any dirt! ๐Ÿคฃ
Morning insomnia for yours truly. gggrrr. How long am I to be cursed by this. Terry you say you only sleep about 5 hrs. I cant seem to function normally without at least 7, but that is becoming harder with each year. Same with you Thomas?
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It is Thomas' birthday when he wakes later today. Tell us how old mate.
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Have a great one mein guten freund.
You're right, mate, it is. ๐Ÿค—Thanks for remembering it and for your warm wishes. It's my 70th today and I'm glad I can celebrate it in reasonably good health. Half of my family can't join me today, though, as one daughter and partner are still down in southern Africa. Having been together on the cruise from Mauritius to Cape Town on MS Europe, they're now taking different routes. He's heading for St Helena on the cruise ship while she flew from Cape Town to Windhoek and is now trying to cross currently flooded Namibia towards Botswana. They are having tremendous problems due to the floods and I keep my fingers crossed that she'll get away from that asap.

I told them that we'd do it like the Queen who used to celebrate her birthday on Trooping the Colour- day when the weather was nicer and everyone could be on board. Hopefully my daughter will be back home safe and sound by mid-April before making it to NZ later in the year. We're talking about late April/early May for the big family reunion with the backyard and terrace done up completely new and a new shed and bike box installed when I'll be giving a report on a 5,000 km solo journey from southern Syria back home which was quite adventurous.

Have a nice day all of you.
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You're right, mate, it is. ๐Ÿค—Thanks for remembering it and for your warm wishes. It's my 70th today and I'm glad I can celebrate it in reasonably good health. Half of my family can't join me today, though, as one daughter and partner are still down in southern Africa. Having been together on the cruise from Mauritius to Cape Town on MS Europe, they're now taking different routes. He's heading for St Helena on the cruise ship while she flew from Cape Town to Windhoek and is now trying to cross currently flooded Namibia towards Botswana. They are having tremendous problems due to the floods and I keep my fingers crossed that she'll get away from that asap.

I told them that we'd do it like the Queen who used to celebrate her birthday on Trooping the Colour- day when the weather was nicer and everyone could be on board. Hopefully my daughter will be back home safe and sound by mid-April before making it to NZ later in the year. We're talking about late April/early May for the big family reunion with the backyard and terrace done up completely new and a new shed and bike box installed when I'll be giving a report on a 5,000 km solo journey from southern Syria back home which was quite adventurous.

Have a nice day all of you.
Ahhhh Thomas Happy Birthday my one and only German friend!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ
Hope you have a great day with lots of happy memories ๐Ÿ˜
Morning insomnia for yours truly. gggrrr. How long am I to be cursed by this. Terry you say you only sleep about 5 hrs. I cant seem to function normally without at least 7, but that is becoming harder with each year. Same with you Thomas?
Is insomnia a question of perspective after all? As I age, I tend to sleep about 5-6 hours at night plus a 1-hour nap after lunch, which amounts to 7 hours at the most. But there are also days with hardly five hours in total. Is that insomnia?
I'd say people are just different. If some people sleep between eight to ten hours, it doesn't mean that they set the norm making other people look like being plagued by insomnia. The vast majority of mature people sleep less as they age. Nonetheless, we should all try to take care that we get the sleep needed to feel comfortable.
How was your day Thomas.
It was good and I'm grateful. Yet I'm looking forward to our big birthday party with everyone present.The best birthday present ever I got from my other daughter who wrote me a six-page letter thanking me for everything I've done for her throughout her life which moved me to tears I confess. I doubt that I'll ever get a better birthday present.
Is insomnia a question of perspective after all? As I age, I tend to sleep about 5-6 hours at night plus a 1-hour nap after lunch, which amounts to 7 hours at the most. But there are also days with hardly five hours in total. Is that insomnia?
I'd say people are just different. If some people sleep between eight to ten hours, it doesn't mean that they set the norm making other people look like being plagued by insomnia. The vast majority of mature people sleep less as they age. Nonetheless, we should all try to take care that we get the sleep needed to feel comfortable.
I'm trying to sleep more hearing it's good for our health Thomas. More like 7 hours nowadays and I try to have an arvo nap like you. Not often nowadays as I seem to be getting busier in my ageing home with two pets to care for, yards, painting and gardens. I'm slowing but ... It keeps me fit as a 69yo. Thomas, I'm 11 months younger than you. And ~ 2 years younger than Craig. Three peas in a pod! You're in the middle.
Thomas, I've too read we need less sleep as we age. Not sure why that is?

Craig, I suffer from nasal allergies. Even strong perfumes send me into controllable coughing and sneezing fits.
One cheap dual use over the counter pill is the old Phenergan, good for Alergies like mine but makes one sleepy, so I take half a tablet before bed. ... ! It works 2 ways well for me.
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I'm trying to sleep more hearing it's good for our health Thomas.
I fully agree. That's why I try to take a nap whenever possible because I feel refreshed afterwards. I'm glad that in so doing I can make up for insufficient sleep during the night. Between 7-9 hours are ideal. I read that the naturally shortened sleep periods during the night in old age can be subjectively perceived as a sleep disorder. Yet the sleep rhythm tends to get shifted to daytime which is why a nap is significant. The touchstone seems to be: Are you tired during the day? Despite shorter sleep duration and less sleep intensity during the day, older people are less sleepy than younger people. If you are, you have either not had enough sleep or could be suffering from a sleep disorder. I'm not tired because I take those naps. Without them I'd get tired after lunch.
On the other hand, excessive need for sleep during the day might be an early sign of incipient dementia or an indication of an increased risk of loss of mental capacity.
It keeps me fit as a 69yo. Thomas, I'm 11 months younger than you. And ~ 2 years younger than Craig. Three peas in a pod! You're in the middle.
:thumbsu: Thanks for clarifying that, Terry. I like my position.๐Ÿ˜Š
Thomas, I've too read we need less sleep as we age. Not sure why that is?
It's partly a myth since the sleep is getting shifted as mentioned above. That's why older people tend to get tired earlier in the evening and become larks.
Is insomnia a question of perspective after all
Before I was forced to seek professional help it was not unusual for me to not sleep until dawn. I was told this was due to a combination of acute sleep apnea a sleep disorder and stress. Stress due mainly to my not being able to conduct a working day without feeling fatiqued. I Tried a breathing face mask which was so invasive and noisy that it kept me awake. Finally I was told I needed to have lazer throat surgery to reduce the apnea from acute to minor. The surgery was successful but I needed morphine for four days post op to relieve the agonizing pain. While the apnea had indeed been reduced I still had occasional insomnia taking if needed a mild sedative or a herbal supplement. Probably the fact I now wake earlier is due to age and is not morning insomnia as I call it. Who knows. What I do know is that I have been cursed with inability to sleep for most of my adult life.
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