The Weather Thread

Sydney used to have a pleasant temperate summer climate. Not any more. The last two with this damned little Spanish child La Nina saturating the eastern seaboard meant we have had very unpleasant, sticky summers, while the previous year when the other damned Spanish child El Nino scorched almost a third of our state our temps hovered around 40c for days on end.
I just took a squiz at the latest weather system covering some 3,500 klm that is about to hit. Luckily Sydney may avoid the worst of it with central inland areas of my state set to be inundated and cause mass flooding. Tell me Terry why does your west often seem to avoid these extreme weather systems whereas the easts cops the full fury of mother nature. .
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Richie, I googled this below about all the rain and floods in the Eastern states of Australia:

How storms and floods are affected by climate change in NSW
Long-term climate change is causing the NSW to warm. The average temperature in NSW has been increasing since 1910. This is increasing the likelihood of extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall and storm surges near the coast.

Increased temperatures are likely to increase the risk of thunderstorms across NSW in the warmer months.

In terms of natural cycles such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), climate changes to temperatures and rainfall may change the pattern of these natural climate processes. Climate change will affect oceanic climate systems, like the El Niño Southern Oscillation, making rainfall and flooding even harder to predict.

In terms of east coast lows, which are the main cause of extreme storms along the NSW coast, climate modelling predicts there may be more extreme low pressure systems in the warmer months, and fewer small to moderate low pressure systems in the cooler months.

Storms caused by east coast lows vary from year to year, and decade to decade. This makes it difficult to predict when they will occur, how severe they will be, and how they might be affected by climate change.

Other impacts of climate change, such as sea level rise, will make coastal storms and floods even more damaging, as erosion and flooding will occur further up the shoreline.

Climate change projections also show that tropical cyclones are likely to occur further south and be more damaging. This will bring more severe storms and rainfall events to many areas of northern NSW.

These climate changes and impacts are projected to keep increasing in the future.

Here's the link:
Grier said:
Not too sure about that Richie, but think it's to do with those Nino weather systems.

The Western part of our nation has the Indian Ocean Dipole, was wondering then why we in the East never hear about the same degree of flooding and devastation that the extreme Eastern Seaboard systems cause. Sydney cops the backlash of La Nina as well as northern cyclones with mass so called 'rain bombs' that can cause dams to overflow and major flooding.. does Perth have same.

Indian Ocean Dipole

Positive event:

  • warmer sea surface temperatures in the western Indian Ocean relative to the east
  • easterly wind anomalies across the Indian Ocean and less cloudiness to Australia's northwest
  • less rainfall over southern Australia and the Top End.
Negative event:

  • cooler sea surface temperatures in the western Indian Ocean relative to the east
  • winds become more westerly, bringing increased cloudiness to Australia's northwest
  • more rainfall in the Top End and southern Australia.
Wasnt there yesterday and in the past. Why else do you think I'd ask. Thomas another member could also not find it recently. Took a look a minute ago (10am Sydney time) and it was again not listed on 99.94. Where is the link you used to find it? There is some useful info for members on the weather thread.
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Wasnt there yesterday and in the past. Why else do you think I'd ask. Thomas another member could also not find it recently. Took a look a minute ago (10am Sydney time) and it was again not listed on 99.94. Where is the link you used to find it? There is some useful info for members on the weather thread.

This is the latest view of The 99.94 Club board at 20:48 AWST.


The thread hasn't disappeared, it is still there. If you've got the thread starter on ignore, then you won't be able to see the thread.

A search of the term "weather" using the search function will also return posts of the thread, three of the first six posts below from the search are from the thread.


If any members are having issues finding things then let me know but I can see the thread without issue at the present time.
Wasnt there yesterday and in the past. Why else do you think I'd ask. Thomas another member could also not find it recently. Took a look a minute ago (10am Sydney time) and it was again not listed on 99.94. Where is the link you used to find it? There is some useful info for members on the weather thread.
I still can't find it. It simply doesn't show up. Just saw that I'd put her on ignore. Changed it now. Problem solved. :)