Ultimate training Regime !


Active Member
Ultimate training Regime !

I know this is a cricket forum but from reading many, many post over the last few months its clear that we all play a variety of sports!

So my question is,

Is there a Training Regime that is suitable for a multitude of sports, not just cricket specific.

SO for example my regular sports are the Following (Most played / participated first)

Cricket ( wicket keeper, Batsmen)
Mountain Biking (Legs, Stamins, sprint etc)
Shooting (stamina, breathing)
Snowboarding (winter only)

so if i trained for all of those individually, it would be hard work!
Re: Ultimate training Regime !

In my opinion, there is no such thing as an 'off the peg' regime for anyone, even if the only sport you play is [say] cricket... even if you are [just] a wicket keeper.

We are all, beautifully, different so we all need different programmes. If I was to write a programme for you, it would start with a two hour test session, where I would test your BP, take anthropometric measurements, BMI, body composition, test your cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular fitness and posture.

We would then discuss your history, present and future activities along with your goals.

Then I would write you a programme that would suit you and probably only you and, yes, it would cover everything you needed.
Re: Ultimate training Regime !

well i can answer those fairly easily! lol

BP, Probably higher than it should be
Anthropometric measurements, Not sure what you mena
BMI, Overweight
body composition, ?
cardiovascular fitness, Reasonable for a bigger boned fella
flexibility, Rubbish, dont do enough stretches when i should, or Yoga
muscular fitness some better than others
Posture. Bad, i slouch to much!

over all not great, and although i have lost nearly 3 stone this year my diet is still not great!
Re: Ultimate training Regime !

Anthropometric Measurements: After weighing you, I would take a tape measure to various parts of your body ;)

Body Composition: As BMI is only a [very] rough guide, I would use Bio-electrical impedance to measure you Fat %, Fat Weight, Muscle %, Muscle Mass, Water %, Total Body Water (ltrs), Metabolic Rate at Rest and Average Energy Required. Or, or course, I could use callipers :eek:
Re: Ultimate training Regime !

Liz Ward;266428 said:
Body Composition: As BMI is only a [very] rough guide, I would use Bio-electrical impedance to measure you

Are these machines as accurate as callipers? I picked up a handheld one in a shop for 50c :eek: (reduced from €10), and I thought it would be muck, but surprisingly it was very consistent in the results it gave each time it was used. I still don't trust the number though, but it was useful to track the direction that % bodyfat was heading.
Re: Ultimate training Regime !

edladd;266460 said:
Are these machines as accurate as callipers? I picked up a handheld one in a shop for 50c :eek: (reduced from €10), and I thought it would be muck, but surprisingly it was very consistent in the results it gave each time it was used. I still don't trust the number though, but it was useful to track the direction that % bodyfat was heading.

You're quite right, handheld ones are great for monitoring change in the arms and upper torso but they do not give you an accurate figure.

Electrical current takes the shortest route, so with handheld machines, the current goes in one hand, up the arm, across the chest, down the other arm and gives you a reading of the measurements in that area. Similarly, the ones you stand on send a current up one leg and down the other. As you have probably guessed, they only give you a reading for the legs.

For a good measurement, you need the current to travel around your body which means tabbing wires the whole length.

The problem with the handheld machines is that if you carry your fat around you middle, bottom or thighs, it does not help :)
Re: Ultimate training Regime !

mas cambios;266441 said:
I think he'd like the callipers!

I have to say, I do love using them, although I do get some funny looks from clients... some needing counselling afterwards. :D
Re: Ultimate training Regime !

Liz Ward;266470 said:
For a good measurement, you need the current to travel around your body which means tabbing wires the whole length.

You could always put your thumb on one of the pads and a toe on the other one. That way you can get a better measurement and work on your flexibility :D
Re: Ultimate training Regime !

Liz as long as you warm them up for me i'm not too bothered! ;)

i think i would be ashamed of my statistics so to speak!

even my Wii Fit calls me Fat, and changed my character accordingly!