Active Member
Kev, who can say what goes through anyone's mind? As a coach I really do wonder sometimes with some of my players Everyone is different, some will be playing tunes, some will be shouting (inside) al la Andy Murray, some will be 100% focused from the top of their run up on the exact spot they want to land it on, all you need to do is find what works for you. As a start try repeating a word that means something to you as you go through your run up and delivery - for one of my bowlers his word is smooth as he knows that when he feels 'smooth' in his run up everything else flows, for another its 'drive' so again everyone has their own triggers
When practicing try setting targets, the smaller and more measurable the better. So if, for example, you are concerned about your length, set your target for your next session as 3 consecutive balls of good or full length (better still if you can 'chalk' or mark the area on the pitch to ensure you are not cheating yourself) and see how many times you reach it in a given number of balls. The idea is that human nature being what it is (particularly in teenage lads) that merely setting a target will help focus the mind and should produce better results, even if this isnt the case, can you spot any differences in your action or release that result in a shorter pitched delivery?
Best of luck
Great post as usual TonyM. Wise words indeed.