VOTE for cWW

VOTE for cWW

Anyway, where will you be promoting next Jordan :geek: *cough*
VOTE for cWW

Dunno, That was just a starter i will promote on cricket and sport forum thought <s><img><s> Will start tomorrow and try to put together a good video ad for youtube

Have any people joined <s><img><s>
VOTE for cWW

As long as no mod positions are promised (hint hint michael <s><img><s>) and no spam attacks are used, I hope your promotions are successful.
VOTE for cWW

Every one can now re-vote, world wide top sites have rebooted there Vote vote VOTE more voting sites soon <s><img><s>
VOTE for cWW

I voted! whe are now on place 15!

btw voting many times with the same copmp won't elp. You can only vote ( and then I mean a vote that counts) once a day per IP adress.