Western Wizards Official Team Thread

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Re: Western Wizards Official Team Thread

Reckon I'm due for a ton soon boys. I've been shit lately. Think the bowlers need to lift their game in the nets.
Re: Western Wizards Official Team Thread

Hi guys...sorry I havent been around much lately...

Real life is taking me away from this stuff, which is disappointing but inevitable I guess...

I think I may have to retire at the end of this season...
Re: Western Wizards Official Team Thread

Things I enjoy more than making 50 on debut:
- Comprehensively dismantling Boris.

I thought everyone else bowled okay.

That is all.
Re: Western Wizards Official Team Thread

Thanks for the good rap there Rampant.

Warne was completely annihilated in his first test. Who says I can't be better then him still?
Re: Western Wizards Official Team Thread

Warne's not a Victorian, he's a legend.

The two can't happen simultaneously. If any Victorian crickeert does what he did they officially take back their status of Victorianism and turn to legendism.

Or in my mind anyway...
Re: Western Wizards Official Team Thread

I said Victorians only.

Unless there are Victorians on this team... which there is.

So I take back my stand on Victorians. :p
Re: Western Wizards Official Team Thread

Resist knows nothing of a panda, or who cats2rise is.

Resist only knows about Resist.
Re: Western Wizards Official Team Thread

Resist may have to remove that second 's' if he sits on BigCricket too much longer during SwotVac. ;)
Re: Western Wizards Official Team Thread

How many games are left in both forms?

Just the one OD I'm presuming for us, and that's it for the Tests?
Re: Western Wizards Official Team Thread

One day is the greatest form of the game ever and easily out classes anything Tests can throw up ever. Who cares about Tests?
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