World Cup Reshuffle

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World Cup Reshuffle

The World Cup could have a major, and much-needed, overhaul following the lengthy Caribbean competition, which was further exposed by the success of the two-week Twenty20 format. ICC officials are meeting in Bangladesh this week to discuss the next tournament, in Asia in 2011, with seven different formats on the table including a single league.

Cricket Australia has already said it would welcome a shorter version following this year's inflated 47-day tournament which turned many off, and they're not the only board thinking that way. Peter Young, Cricket Australia's spokesman, told Sydney's Daily Telegraph on Thursday: "We support a shorter tournament. Most nations do now."

From Reading it all seems quite a good idea as everybody knows the 2007 world cup was awful and way too long. Also the standard of cricket was quite poor.
Re: World Cup Reshuffle

The Cricket World Cup 2007 was one of the worst World Cup's ever. The ICC messed it up big-time.
(I am not just saying that becasue Pakistan lost to Ireland and went out in the first round) :p
Re: World Cup Reshuffle

But i have to admit, those umpires did sure make things exciting and entertainable in the final :laugh:
Re: World Cup Reshuffle

They didn't, thats the point. I could see where the umpires where coming from, but we're into the modern day now, its not like in the 1980's when umpires could stay out there.

It was dangerous back then, but cricketers were tougher. Today its just plain stupid, the batsmen and bowlers work day in day out to keep themselve ultra-fit and to be put into a position like that is down right irrisponsible.