Well-Known Member
One thing that may decrease accuracy in the short term (or it may even help, idk) but will help in the long term will also provide an immediate positive effect on the revolutions you are getting.Thanks for the advice/encouragement doc!
I had a quick bowl in the nets today and had a go filming it, some from a standing start and some from my attempt to run in properly: Youtube Link
People say hearing the sound of your own voice played back to you is one of the most mortifying feelings, but it's safe to say this is worse
My own analysis is that by back leg seems to be kicking miles out while the top half falls away to the off-side. I wonder if my timing is also off kilter as I seem to be releasing very front on, whereas just looking at some videos of Warne ect now they seem to be releasing much earlier into the pivot. I also need to develop a consistent way of running in as everything feels very awkward at the moment. As ever, would appreciate any thoughts and advice!
I noticed your wrist is not 'cocked' but rather in alignment with your forearm. When you are bounding up, up until you release, your wrist should be 'cocked'. Then when you release the ball, your wrist uncoils and rotates and combines with the third finger to spin the ball. Currently you are only using your fingers to spin the ball as I see it, if you use your wrist as well your accuracy may possibly decrease, but you will get so much more energy on the ball and that is the main thing about being a spinner. There is always time to improve accuracy later on.
If you don't know what 'cocking' the wrist is, here is a picture of warne:

See how his palm is bent inwards towards the forearm if you know what I mean?
Practice cocking the wrist, then uncoiling in hand to hand spinning practice. Once you get the timing right with the wrist uncoiling and the third finger snapping over the ball, you will never want to bowl fast again.
Hope this makes sense.